US Postal Service Casuals
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This page is devoted to a group of workers at the US Postal service called casuals. They are non-union help, who were to have been used for a short time while the USPS upgraded it's system. Over ten years latter, the casuals are still there.

Casuals can be fired at the drop of a hat, with no real reason given. They are not allowed to join any of the three unions. Yet casuals must do overtime, work as much as 17 days in a row, and other such problems without any right to file a complaint.

PTFs vs Casuals

Many say causals have the same problems with that of PTFs (part time flexible employees). But PTFs can join the union, have paid sick leave, and will become regulars some day, casuals have none of that

We need to end the casual program and all other forms of temp help in major companies. All casuals in good standing for more then six months should become PTFs without having to take the test.

I would like to hear from you about this.

To receive an informative newsletter write to:

Charles R. Powell
Another Disgruntled Postal Worker
P. O. Box 20451
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87154-0451

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