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Interview with Friar Laurence.

Recently I was lucky enough to catch up with Friar Laurence, the man who secretly married Romeo and Juliet, a son and daughter of feuding families in Verona. He has played a key role in the events that conspired in the small city in Italy.


Interviewer: What is your relationship with the young man Romeo?

Friar: I think of him as a son and have offered him much council throughout his life. I know that he looks upon me with much respect and I often give him advice about decisions he makes.

Interview: So then, did he come to you and seek your advice when he met the girl Juliet, the daughter of his enemy which he had recently fallen in love with?

Friar: He did. He came to me speaking of his love for Juliet and requesting that I marry them.

Interviewer: And at this time you were aware that Juliet was a Capulet whose family would never consent to such a marriage?

Friar: I was aware of this and therefore the ceremony was performed with haste and secrecy.

Interviewer: Were you aware of Romeo’s prior feelings for Rosalind?

Friar: Oh I was indeed. How often did he dote on her and talk of her and speak of her!

Interviewer: How did Romeo’s love for Rosalind affect his life?

Friar: Oh, Romeo would spend many a night awake and then shut himself into his room during day and sleep. He was greatly frustrated for Rosalind did not feel the same way for him. I believe that Romeo was perhaps a bit insincere with her and that “she knew well [Romeo’s] love did read by rote that could not spell.”(2,4,83-84)

Interviewer: Did Romeo’s character change when he met Juliet?

Friar: Romeo became happier and more optimistic. He was rushing about and spoke of how his new love made him feel. I was glad to know he had dismissed Rosalind finally from his mind

Interviewer: Did you take into consideration Romeo’s feelings for Rosalind which had only recently ended when considering to give consent for him to marry Juliet?

Friar: I did and I questioned him that “Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken?”(2,3,62-63) I worried that Romeo was less in love and more excited to have found someone who loved him back.

Interviewer: It is speculated that Romeo and Juliet were too young to make the decision of marriage with out their parents’ advice. It is also thought that the rushed too madly into marriage without considering the consequences such a union might bring. What is your thought on this matter?

Friar: Well, truth be told, I believed that Romeo was most likely acting quite hastily in his new found romance and he proved to me that “young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts but in their eyes.” (2,3, 64). They had only known each other for less than a day and less than a day before their meeting had he been doting on Rosaline!!! Oh, yes, I warned them “these violent delights have violent ends.”(2,3,9) and if their love was to last they should slow down as “long love doth so.”(2,6,14)

Interviewer: Since you objected to rushing into marriage why did you perform the ceremony and give your consent? Did you have another motive?

Friar: Indeed I did! In normal circumstances I would have bid these two wait a little longer. Still, in their case I believed that perhaps this union between a son of Montague and daughter of Capulet would finally put an end to their families violent feuding. I thought their marriage was a unique and a once in a life time opportunity that would act as a way of uniting the families together in joy and reconciliation. Had I not believed that their marriage could do such a thing I would never have consented to wed them.
Also, Romeo has proven himself to be quite a fickle young man. Had I postponed giving Romeo and Juliet consent for marriage it may have resulted in Romeo finding some new love and the opportunity to unite the two feuding families would be lost. Now I really must be getting back to my cell as I have to take confession.

Interviewer: Thank you very much, Friar Laurence, for your time.

This interview is completely fictional and was based on events from the play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. This interview was written by myself, Ginny Sue.