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A World of Fantasy, of Wonder, of Magic, and Adventures is opened to us when we read a book.

This Web page is devoted to this World that is opened when we glance at the page of a novel and to those playwrights and authors who bring these worlds to life.

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes."

On this web site you will: find book reviews for some of the best fantasy and science fiction novels out there; read some amazing poetry; get an indepth understanding of Shakspeare, his life, and his plays; or read up on the creatures of mythology. You'll also find some critical essays that may come in handy if you are studying certain novels in school. Also, make sure to check out the "Other Reads" section, where novels that don't fall under one of the other links are listed.

WANT TO WRITE A REVIEW? Did you notice that your favourite book was missing? Have a wonderful opinion that you are dying to share? Why not write your own book review! Just click on the guestbook link above and type your review into the guestbook, making sure to leave your name. I will check the guestbook frequently and add your review to the "Other Reads" page, giving you full credit!

But remember: your MUST include 1) the Book Title, 2) the Author, 3) A suggestion for the reading age, and 4) a rating out of ten. (In fact, this is enough for me to post the review. Any extra words are up to you!) Oh, and nothing offensive, please.