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To all the people who dont talk to me on a regular basis, my life has changed like u do not even know.

Im still the same person, im still in school , i only work part time now, at a place called "The Joint", its a little night club. Lets get something out of the way, I am not a stripper, i dont watch the strippers, and im not a waitress, I pay the people for what they do(bar tenders,strippers,hosts,d.j's,waitresses,musicians, renevations etc) I go over there hours they work, and make sure they get paid. I also do the schedueling.

I still dont eat meat,still love tupac, BUT not as obsessed with wwf wresteling....which will make mad people happy...The reason for that is all who live in my house are never home and when we are, we are sleeping , eating, or having showers, so there is no point!!!!! But in all honesty I still do love my wresteling.

My grandmother recently passed away on September 9th, I was not close with her(this isent the grandmother i am always talking about if you talk to me on a regular basis you would know), so I wasent as upset as other people in my family were, but it did open my eyes because you never know what can happen tommorow....

On October 26th, I was in a car accident and my body hurts and it was definetly a wake up call....and i hate cars and people who cant drive...they piss me off

R.I.P.T.U.P.A.C.(if your dead)

In the Event of My Demise

In the event of my Demise when my heart can beat no more I Hope I Die For A Principle or A Belief that I had Lived 4 I will die Before My Time Because I feel the shadow's Depth so much I wanted 2 accomplish before I reached my Death I have come 2 grips with the possibility and wiped the last tear from My eyes I Loved All who were Positive In the event of my Demise


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