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Leslie Bickford-you have become one of my best friends this year. Leslie, I hope you always stay the way you are now. You're always happy and not afraid to be emotional--that's not a bad quality(and if anyone tells you different, send them to me:)). You're like the sweetest person I know. I'm always around if you need anything and thanks for all you've done for me. See you at SEMO! Love ya girlie!

Keli McConnell-wazzup chickadee? Girl, you have no clue how glad I am you moved here! You've become my best friend already and I love ya! You're a great friend and I want you to know that if you ever need ANYTHING AT ALL, I'll be there for you no matter what! Any time, anywhere-just call. I've always got your back. Keep your head up and smile:)
Lacey Hicks-we're finally seniors! YEA! You'd better keep in touch after high school, too!:) You've always been a good friend. We've been through a lot together. Thanks sooo much for everything. I've always got your back--if ya need me, just call. Good luck with everything, you deserve all the good that comes to you. Remember me always!
Wendy Beaher-what can I say Wendy? We've had some hilarious times:) I can talk to you about anything and you have no idea how much that means to me. Thanks for all you've done!
Betsy White-We have had some awesome times together now! ha I've known you all my life and you've stayed the same sweet, good person the whole time. Stay that way, cause you know you're my lil sis and I'd hurt ya if ya didn't:) Good luck in high school and I wish you the best of luck in all you do.
Beth "Chicken" Bodi-You're the friend I can just be crazy with! We always have fun, and you've always been there when I needed you. Thanks for everything and I'll always be there for you, just holla!
Kasi Clark-Hey, have you watched "The Lion King" lately? O, and 1,2 FREDDIE'S COMIN' FOR YOU.*insider* My favorite junior--you are such a cool person and if you need me for anything I'm here. Take care of yourself after I'm gone, ok? I'll miss you...we'll have to go out again sometime. Love Ya!
Rachel King-Rach, I don't have enough room to say what I want to about you! You know we always have fun together. I miss you a lot...I'm so glad we stayed in touch. You have been like my best friend for 12(closer to 13 actually) years and your another one of my fave people in the world. O, and I have to bring this up again-"No! I'm not cleaning it up! YOU messed it up in the first place!" "Well, I'm not cleaning it either!" "Just get Stac to do it." And she cleaned the whole room by herself, too! LoL Girl, I'll never forget you...don't forget me! I'll be here for you anytime you need me...just ask. Call me netime, day or night! I'd do anything for you chickie! Thanks for being there for me. You're like my own sis. Promise me you'll take care of yourself. I love you gurl!
Joseph Baldwin-We've been friends a long time--you've always been there to make me laugh even on my worst days...thanks for that! Always remember the good times in Singing Eagles:) "Big Russian" haha Stay cool!
Jacob May-my fellow Dave's employee and Singing Eagles member:) You're a blast to work with. Stay cool!
Katie Williams-One of the few people in school that's my size! ha J/K! We short people stick together! LoL Girl, you're crazy as hell and I love ya--stay cool and I'll always be here for you.
Kelli Underwood-hey,hey,hey...well, Kelli, you have been my friend through everything. You're someone I know I can count on and that means a lot to me. Thank you for everything and I'm always around if you need me. Keep in touch after this year!