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TITLES Here They Are

Fire Inside

What I fear is


I do not fear another,

I fear that fire

That burns inside and

Smolders never.

I know tomorrow the

Flames shall rage

On and I shall

Be tattered and twisted

Out of shape more and more.

For I fear this fire

And this fire controls

My every thought

And desire.

They call this fire


-- Jason E. Smith


Love is a divine creature,

Love is pain and suffering masked

By a feeling of ecstasy and warmth,

Love can imprison people just like it has done me

I am locked in the deep raging river of feelings,

That is brought on only by love and this person,

This abomination spawned from the deepest depths of


Has trapped me in deep and ever holding,

Web of love that holds everyone at times,

This and only this is what love is.

Only a mask that hides the inevitable pain that comes

all at once.

For those who love to long and do not embrace the


--Jason E. Smith

Lost love

My life is empty without you.

Now that I have met you I feel complete,

Until I see you walk by

Then I feel like I have a hole in my heart.

As if a piece of me was missing

And now I have finally found out

What that missing piece is.

That missing piece is you and your love.

You are my LOST LOVE.

And now I have found you

-- Jason E. Smith

Death Without Love

Is love lost?

Or is it just blind?

I have waited for love

And I feel my self-slipping away.

My life is shorter not longer.

My life is loveless and I fear I will never

Experience this love

And this pain that it brings.

Oh the sweet pain everyone seems to know

But me,

Why what have I done?

I am dying with out knowing what love is.

Love is truly blind!

For I have yet to experience the pain that love brings.

--Jason E. Smith

Not Knowing the Ocean of Love

I have yet to learn of this love

This love that comes in waves,

I feel I am too far inland to receive these waves,

And for some reason I have yet to move

Towards the great ocean of love

When, when will I learn to move towards love?

Maybe when it is time for me to die

That’s when I will know what true love is.

Love is cruel. Love is an animal!

Love is death for some life for others.

What is it for me?

Will I ever know?

--Jason E. Smith

Loves Toy

Emotions are toys of love

They make people feel like puppets

Unable to control their own feelings

Love makes us feel like a king for awhile

Then love cuts your strings

And the pain hits your heart like

A ton of bricks

While you’re down

Love likes to push you around

It sends you back crawling

After you are done

It makes you think its over then

It shows you all the hearts you hurt

And the pain returns.

--Jason E. Smith


Lovers have shadows,

These shadows hide the bad things that they don’t want others to know about

The sides that they hide in these shadows

Lovers bring light to the shadows

And unleash the terrible

Sides of their partners

And the other lover has

Unleashed a side that has

Never been shown.

A monster that destroys their relationship

--Jason E. Smith

Loves Power

Why do we hide from love

What intimidates us?

Why does it make us?

Cower in a corner

For some reason it holds a power

Over us,

A power that can not be broken

Until love decides to show us its true power

And makes us cry, makes us want to die

Makes us hurt inside in

A way that leaves a lasting impression

In our hearts.

--Jason E. Smith

Love as a Verb

Love is a verb

It is an action

An action that is as strong as steel

And as soft as snow

It can be a gentle action or a devastating blow

To your mind and heart

Love is a verb that can decide who

Is happy and who is sad

Love is ever lasting in one way

Love is always flowing from the heart of God

Love is never ending.

-- Jason E. Smith

Love is a Strong Word

Do you know how strong the word love is?

It’s a word that can make a life better

Love can destroy a life

Love can last forever or only last a day

Love only lasts forever in one case

When it comes to the love of God for his

Friends, his people

This love is only found through Jesus

--Jason E. Smith

Love is a Disease

Why does love plague our lives?

Why does it play games?

When will love finish toying with our emotions

And stop pestering our hearts in false relation ships

Why must it taunt us?

Why must it be so cruel to give everyone but us a great

And plentiful love?

Why does it stay out of our grasp?

Just out of reach

Watch it pull away again and laugh

With cruel glee.

--Jason E. Smith

Sorry for nothing

Don’t be sorry for something you did not do

For sorrow is for the one who deserves it

Taking the blame for the victim

Taking the shame from the shameful

Taking pain away from the painful

Saying sorry when you are not sorrowful

Taking pain when you’re not in it

Taking shame when you’re not shameful

Taking blame when you are not to blame for

This is why you should not be sorry

Unless you are the one to be sorry

--Jason E. Smith

Loves Goofy

Who would have thought?

Who could have for seen that?

Who would have known love would?

Bring such an odd and loving

The hyper and the shy

The quiet and the loud

Who could have pondered such a crazy scam?

Even love could not have seen this nor could it have?

Love brings together all and separates so few

Love mixes and matches the oddest and most unpredictable couples

It makes lovers think

Wait mistake scratch last line

It makes thinkers stop thinking and

Non-thinkers ponder

Love is tricky

Love is a matchmaker that can’t be topped

It’s a matchmaker that can’t be stopped

Love makes the world unit and stop

All the fights

Love never stops

In the end there will be love and god

Loves goofy.

--Jason E. Smith

Entertaining Angels

Entertaining angels while

The nights become history

And the day becomes now

Watching over me

Loving me

Sent by god to care for me

They watch me

While I watch the sky

Watch while I cry

Loving me

With every word

Every tear and

Every thought

Sending the everlasting love of God

Straight to my heart.

--Jason E. Smith


Death comes

In many forms

Some great

Some small

The greatest

Death is that

Of my heart.

The murder

Committed by

Love and hate

Pain and suffering.

Envocted and

Created souly

By me. For me.

--Jason E. Smith

(Read the dedication)


Flow freely as my heart breaks

And starts its aching

My tears flow

Exposing my heart

Letting my love flow

My eyes swell and start

To close as my tears run out

Letting my love die

My heart drown

And my mind burn

Love hurts

And drains my tears

--Jason E. Smith

Last Moment

The cold barrel

Presses to my head

I see my life laid

Out before my eyes

I cry as I watch

It roll by like

A movie for me

To die by

As I think of what

Its like my grip tightens

And another wave

Of tears rolls down

My movie has ended

Its time to go

My eyes squeeze shut

And my heart skips

A beat as I cry

My mind grows cold

And seems to become numb

The trigger starts to draw back

No turning back now

It goes fully back with a bang

The surge of pain does not last

But just a second

As my mind goes blank

My eyes draw close

And I see black

As my heart and love die

--Jason E. Smith

Real Men Don’t Cry?

I was once told

that real men don’t cry

right off I knew

it was a lie

for no man cannot


if love makes

His heart ache

he will break

for only a real

Man can cry

for he is

with God

And with


So you see

it is

only a real

man that cries

for his heart loves

and is

inspired by

God’s endless love

-- Jason E. Smith

You Took It

I look out

The window

And watch you

Drive away

Without knowing

What you have

Taken nor what

You have killed

You have ripped

Out my heart

And killed my


For you knew

It is all

I have so it’s

All you took

My heart and my


-- Jason E. Smith



I fall beside

My bed and watch

As my soul is freed

Bye you love

I speed towards

The heavens

Watching the

Beautiful sights

As the world grows

Distant and all

I see is the

Pure beauty of

Gods creation

Laid out before

Me to see

My breath

Escapes me

As you reassure

Me of your

Everlasting love

And glory

With one

Simple but

Powerful word

I hurdle back

To earth full

Of your love

This one word

I utter and return


--Jason E. Smith

God’s Canvas

I look up to

See a beautiful

Sight. A painted

Sky as the sunsets

It shows all of it’s

Glorious colors.

The colors are so

Heavenly as if God

Has pulled out all the stops

To create such a beautiful


And as it all comes together

To make black I know

God’s heart was put

Into all things

Around us

For God Love’s us all

--Jason E. Smith


Hanging so freely

In the sky

Nothing to support God’s power

They hang there

For eternity for one

Reason and only one

Reason but to

Show his ever lasting

Love and never ending


-- Jason E. Smith

No Candle Burning Vigil Has the Light

Sitting vigil with

Only candle light,

I wait in agony as,

My heart grows full of fright

All night I wait

In this fright.

I wait and watch as

My candle burns down

And sputters out

I am still sitting

In the dark as my heart

Starts to fall apart

I pull my brain and rip

It to shreds wondering why

Oh, why haven’t you called?

Have you been appalled?

Or are you in pain? Oh, why

Have you made me?

Wait in vain? My heart burns

And my mind churns for the answers

Yet it is all the same.

The same anguish. The same pain

And torment.

For even now I sit in vain

--Jason E. Smith

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