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Sorry I have been away for so long again. Perhaps this will help explain why. I have been seeking help for several mental health issues and have made a fool of myself on several lists now. My last relationship details were all lies in order to hurt the object of my obsession. He did nothing wrong and was trying to be a friend and I wanted and needed more. I slandered him so that no other woman would be interested in him so he might come back to me. I know this is unhealthy and as part of my healing it was suggested that I write a retraction. I have done this individual great harm via my posts, and can never make that up to him. But to Him I say I am sorry. I just wanted to love you and when you didn't love me back I couldn't deal with it. Your kind heart and help saved my life even your eventual kicking me out. Forcing me to get help. Thank you Dear Friend. I know you don't even want me around as a friend. I must live with that. But you will always have a place in my heart. I AM TRUELY SORRY. To the other list members I apologize for lying to you all.

Sorry, Moonvine

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