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~To My Web Page Of Inspirational Poems~

I am so pleased you made it to my pages of Inspirational Poems.

I have been collecting poems sent to me via e-mail.

Since WebTv does not have hard drive we have no storage.

So I thought I would take the plain e-mail form inspirational poems and try my very best to make them as beautiful as their words.

At the same time they will not be tossed to the side or thrown away but kept and hopefully viewed and enjoyed.

If you have an inspirational poem you would like to share, feel free to send it by CLICKING HERE I will be happy to read it and if possible enter your submission :)

~*~ Disclaimer ~*~

Because most of my collection of poems are sent to me via e-mail as "Author Unknown" I assume this to be true. How ever some one did write them. If you see one of your poems within my collection and have proof the poem is yours. With your permission I will be happy to give credit. If I have your copy right poem and you have proof I will remove it immediately or with your permission give credit. Please click HERE. To leave your message on the "Quick Mailer".

Thank you very much I hope you enjoy my collection of poems as much as I have enjoyed putting them together. And I hope that they will bring joy, peace, comfort and blessings.

If you have a need for prayer or feel led to request a prayer please feel free to post your request in the prayer book below. I belong to a wonderful group of prayer partners standing by to offer prayer for your needs. God Bless you.