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Mindy's Page

Mindy's Page

Me and my little brother
Me 14
Me 14
Me at 10 with my mom and her friends, i'm driving! (i wish)
I love the car!
My friends

Me and my friends at Valentines
Me and my dad before the Valentines dance

fav. foods


Christ Times
Love Tester

My name is Mindy. I'm a 16, soon to be 17, year old girl from California. I have one 11 year old brother(zack) and one 5 year old brother(sam). I'm the oldest. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I'm a little over 5"3'.

I go to the coolest church and we have a great pastor. We have an awesome youth group and worship team.

Hey everyone thanks for taking the time to check out my web page. I would have a whole bunch of other stuff up here (such as pictures from this year, paintings, and other really boring things), but my scanner is messed up. oh well.

If you want to talk to me about stuff my AOL SN is "blondyca."
