The Orb of Stars and Other Stories
The Orb of Stars

The Orb Of Stars
In 1997, I decided to write a novel. My purpose was to give life to a number of characters who had been evolving in my imagination for quite some time. And so, The Orb of Stars was born. The first characters to take life were a temperamental young sorcerer with a mysterious past, a well-meaning but bumbling thief, and a sarcastic but steadfast swordsman. The others followed, as their rightful places shaped themselves in my imagination. At times, when a temporary writers' block overtook me, I would sit down with my good friend, Tricia, and we would discuss plot twists, dialogue, and future developments. Her fertile imagination helped me out of many a crisis. When I finally finished my tale, and printed it, it was in the vicinity of 600 pages long. The story is part adventure, part fantasy soap opera. It is a tale of heroism, destiny, and human relationships. It is both an adventure story and a love story. There are moments of suspense, drama, sadness, and even humor.

When I had finished writing "The Orb," my characters had become so real to me, such distinct and complete people, that I decided to write the prequel to the story, and thus, "Sorcerer's Destiny" was born. This much shorter novel gives a glimpse into the lives of "The Orb"'s main characters in their earlier years. I would advise that "The Orb" be read first for fullest enjoyment.

Next came the sequel to "The Orb," which I decided to name "Outer Darkness." This novel is not yet completed, but provides our band of heroes with a new adventure.

The tales take place in an imaginary kingdom, during an imaginary time. I have tried to make my characters speak more or less in modern terms, without resorting to a great many medieval turns of phrase. The dialogue seems to flow a bit more smoothly that way, and the reader is less likely to be bogged down in ponderous phraseology. I very much enjoyed writing this story, and I sincerely hope that you, the reader can derive some enjoyment from reading it.

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All writings (c) 1997-2001 by N.A. Peters

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