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Between the Worlds
Archive One

On this site you will find an archive of images that have been deleted from "The Orb of Stars" over the past several years. Take note: Some are very old and much lacking in quality, done when I had first started working with computer art...hilariously horrible, in fact, and good only for a laugh. Forgive them their flaws, please. ^_^ They were valuable practice for me in order to improve. Some are reasonably satisfactory, deleted because I needed space for new images; others I simply got tired of, or I wasn't excessively fond of them in the first place. Only a few are done in natural media, graphite pencils, markers and Prismacolors.

A great number of these pictures are character designs, done as requests for RPs or story illustrations. A few are fanart. I've decided that the presentation of the pictures will be simple, without individual commentary or explanation. There will be small, clickable thumbnails, twenty-one per page, leading to an image in a size easily loaded. The viewer may use his or her imagination in deciding who these characters may be. There may be several images missing, due to a disk crash last year. If you have an older image of mine that's not represented in this archive, I would appreciate it if you sent it to me. ^_^

Hopefully some of you may find old friends here. ^_^

Note: This archive will be added to at intervals, as images are deleted from "The Orb of Stars."

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