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Bewitched Episodes

Third Season

75- Nobody's Perfect
Soon after Dr. Koblin reports that Tabitha is a perfectly normal baby, Samantha sees a toy pony floating in the air to Tabitha when she wiggles her fingers, and realizes that the baby has inherited her witchcraft. Samantha stays up all night worrying about how to break the news to Darrin that Tabitha is also a witch.

76- The Moment of Truth
Aunt Clara visits. Sam wonders how to tell Darrin about Tabitha, who makes a magic mess of the living room. Darrin finally discovers that Tabitha is a witch.

77- Witches and Warlocks Are My Favorite Things
A coven of witches test Tabitha's powers. Guest stars RETA SHAW and ESTELLE WINWOOD.

78- Accidental Twins
Aunt Clara mistakenly transforms Larry's son into twins.

79- A Most Unusual Wood Nymph
A wood nymph disguises herself as a friend of Darrin's aunt in order to place a curse on Darrin's family.

80- Endora Moves In For A Spell
Endora and Uncle Arthur quarrel about how Tabitha should use her witchcraft.

81- Twitch or Treat
Endora holds a Halloween party at Darrin's house. Guest star WILLIE MAYS as himself.

82- Dangerous Diaper Dan
Diaper Dan is really a spy for a competing advertising agency. He plants a microphone in Tabitha's rattle to steal Darrin's ideas. Guest star MARTY INGELS. When Samantha & Endora find out, they take turns bedeviling him. There was a simlar ep of I Dream Of Jeannie when a conman tries to get the best of Jeannie.

83- The Short Happy Circuit of Aunt Clara
When Aunt Clara babysits for the Stephenses, she accidentally causes a blackout on the entire Eastern Seaboard.

84- I'd Rather Twitch Than Fight
When Endora is dismayed by the amateur marriage counseling Darrin and Samantha are soliciting from the Tates, she summons Sigmund Freud. Guest star NORMAN FELL (Mr. Furley of Three's Company) as Freud

85- Oedipus Hex
Samantha serves on a fund-raising committee, and Endora casts a spell on a bowl of popcorn, which alters Darrin’s work habits and makes him lazy. The milkman and the TV repairman also become afflicted. Sam returns home and finds the hose a shambles, with Darrin and the others laughing the day away. Guest star PAUL DOOLEY.

86- Sam's Spooky Chair
Samantha sells a haunted chair to one of Larry's clients. Guest star J. PAT O'MALLEY (the friendly alien in an ep of The Twilight Zone).

87- My Friend Ben
Aunt Clara conjures up Benjamin Franklin, and Larry believes he's part of an ad campaign. Part 1 of 2

88- Samantha For The Defense
Benjamin Franklin is put on trial for stealing a fire engine. Part 2 of 2. Rewritten as episodes #249 & 250.

89- A Gazebo Never Forgets
When a bank inspector arrives at Samantha's gazebo to approve a loan for further construction, he sees a pink elephant that Aunt Clara created.

90- Soap Box Derby
Sam helps prepare a 12-year-old boy for a Soap Box Derby.

91- Sam in the Moon
After Samantha tells Darrin that she's been to the moon, he analyzes her tea to find out if it is moon dust.

92- Ho Ho the Clown
Tabitha can't be a contestant on the Ho Ho the Clown Show because it's sponsored by Darrin's client.

93- Super Car
Endora gives Darrin the prototype of a new car, which she steals from its manufacturers in Detroit. Guest star DAVE MADDEN of the Partridge Family and Get Smart.

94- The Corn is as High as a Guernsey's Eye
Samantha mistakes a milk company's promotional cow for Aunt Clara.

95- The Trial and Error of Aunt Clara
Aunt Clara is put on trial by the Witches' Council due to her failing powers.

96- Three Wishes
Endora grants Darrin three wishes so that he may prove how much he loves Samantha.

97- I Remember You...Sometimes
Endora places a spell on Darrin's wristwatch that causes him to have an overactive memory whenever he wears it.

98- Art For Sam's Sake
Endora transforms Samantha's amateurish painting into a masterpiece.

99- Charlie Harper, Winner
Darrin's college friend Charlie Harper has proven to be more successful than Darrin, so Samantha conjures up an impressive fur coat.

100- Aunt Clara's Victoria Victory
Aunt Clara conjures up the Queen Victoria in Samantha's living room. (A non-Darrin episode.)

101- The Crone of Cawdor
Samantha and Darrin plan to lunch at La Bella Donna to celebrate the anniversary of their first date. Then Darrin encounters Terry Warbell, a pretty brunette, who handles the advertising for her father’s dress firm. If Darrin kisses the beautiful Terry Warbell, who is really the Crone of Cawdor, he will instantly age 500 years.

102 - No More, Mr. Nice Guy
Endora casts a spell on Darrin that makes everyone hate him. Upset, Darrin seeks the council of a psychiatrist. Sam finds out his job is in jeopardy and demands Endora remove the spell.

103 - It's Wishcraft
Worried that Tabatha will make her toys fly around during his parents’ visit, Darrin warns Samantha not to leave his parents alone with the baby.

104 - How to Fail in Business With All Kinds of Help
Darrin is sure his campaign for Madam Marushka lipstick will earn a bonus. Endora sarcastically remarks that he needs more than mere encouragement. Then Darrin believes one of his clients is actually Endora in disguise and treats her accordingly.

105 - Bewitched, Bothered and Infuriated
Aunt Clara accidentally pops up a ten-year-old newspaper that reveals how Larry Tate broke his leg (on his honeymoon with Louise). But Sam and Darrin think it’s today’s paper so Darrin encourages Sam to use her powers to prevent Larry from breaking his limb, while they both make pests of themselves following the Tates around all day.

106 - Nobody But a Frog Knows How to Live
Samantha finds a man named Fergie who at one time was a frog (guest star JOHN FIEDLER of Star Trek episode Wolf In The Fold), changed into a human by another witch. When she learns that a girl frog is waiting back at the lily pond, Sam takes pity on him and changes him back.

107 - There's Gold in Them Thar Pills
Darrin catches a cold. Endora calls her family doctor from the other realm, Dr. Bombay (his 1st Bewitched episode as Bombay), who prescribes a supernatural pill that cures the cold. Darren offers the amazing pills to Larry and a client, who both have colds, not knowing that Bombay has never given them to a mortal before: the side effect is a helium-type high voice.

Fourth Season

108 - Long Live the Queen
The Witch Queen retires and crowns Sam as her successor. Darren grudgingly agrees, but neither realize that petitioners seeking favors will line up in the living-room 24 hours a day. The house is invaded by a blackbird, a walking chair, an assortment of animals, supernatural objects and beings.

109 - Toys in Babeland
Endora’s expected to party at the Taj Mahal, but she’s baby-sitting for Tabitha. What to do? Breath life into Tabitha’s toy soldier and make him the sitter. But then Tabitha copies her incantation and brings the rest of her toys to life.

110 - Business, Italian Style
Darrin and Larry plan a campaign with Mr. Arcarius to introduce Chef Romani foods to the American market. Mr. Arcarius feels that Mr. Romani would give the account to McMahon & Tate if Darrin knew some Italian. Larry implies that Darrin is fluent in the language and then orders him to learn Italian immediately. Endora decides to "help" by turning him into a native Italian who doesn't speak English.

111 - Double, Double Toil and Trouble
When new Queen Samantha holds witch proceedings in the wee hours, Darrin orders her to clear the house of her witches' court. Endora is infuriated; Endora and Serena conspire to dispose of Darrin.

112 - Cheap, Cheap!
Darrin makes Sam return an expensive coat, which she thought was a bargain, so Endora turns him into a real penny-pinching cheapskate.

113 - No Zip in My Zap
Samantha loses her powers. Dr. Bombay tells her it’s because she doesn’t use her magic as much as she should. As therapy, Sam must levitate in midair for a time. But Darrin gets the idea she's turned into a fly after he phones from a meeting with a client whom he used to date.

114 - Birdies, Bogeys and Baxter
Larry feels if Darrin impresses Joe Baxter, an avid golfer, McMahon & Tate will get his account. Darrin wears himself out practicing. So Endora turns Darrin into an expert golfer with ego to match and he's now likely to beat his client at his favorite sport. Guest star MACDONALD CAREY.

115 - The Safe and Sane Halloween
It's Halloween, and Gladys' nephew trades places with a goblin that Tabitha has brought to life.

116 - Out of Synch, Out of Mind
Darrin’s parents have a fight. Phyllis comes to stay with him and Sam, who suggests that Darwin show home movies of Tabitha to ease the tension. The audio and visual are out of sync. Aunt Clara casts a spell to fix the movies, but instead makes Samantha speak out of synch in real life. Guest stars Mabel Albertson.

117 - That Was No Chick, That Was My Wife
Samantha zaps herself home from a trip to Chicago to check up on Tabitha and runs into Louise, who knows she's supposed to be in the windy city.

118 - Allergic to Ancient Macedonian Dodo Birds
Endora’s magic is mysteriously transferred to Aunt Clara when she is diagnosed by Dr. Bombay with an allergy to a Macedonian dodo bird.

119 - Samantha's Thanksgiving to Remember
Darrin goes back in time and is accused of witchcraft when he strikes a match in seventeenth-century Salem.

120 - Solid Gold Mother-in-Law
Darrin invites a client to dinner at his house to meet Endora, but now he is convinced that Endora is a saint and that Darrin mistreats her shamefully.

121 - My, What Big Ears You Have
Darrin decides to surprise Samantha with an antique rocker. Endora overhears Darrin arrange to meet Alice Swanton, the dealer, and tells Samantha he will lie about the call, thinking he's making time with another woman. Then she causes his ears to grow each time he tells a lie.

122 - I Get Your Nanny, You Get My Goat
Darrin isn't particularly thrilled with Tabitha's baby-sitter, a witch named Elspeth hired by Endora, who also took care of Sam as a child.

123 - Humbug Not to Be Spoken Here
Samantha takes one of Darrin's cantankerous clients to the North Pole to meet Santa Claus. Charles Lane of Petticoat Junction guest stars. This episode was later redone, again with Charles Lane in the Scrooge role, as an episode of The 6 Million Dollar Man of all things.

124 - Samantha's Da Vinci Dilemma
Aunt Clara summons Leonardo da Vinci to help Samantha with her housepainting. He gets angry that his Mona Lisa is going to be used in an advertising campaign. She tries to send him back to the past, but fails. Michael Constantine played the same role in an episode of My Favorite Martian. I guess he just looks like a temporamental Italian artist.

125 - Once in a Vial
Determined to break up the Stephens’ marriage, Endora summons Rollo, a handsome warlock who courted Samantha in the past. Endora seethes when Bo Callahan, a boorish client, asks her to do commercials for his new perfume, designed for the older woman. But then, Endora accidentally drinks a love potion she intended for Samantha to break up her marriage and winds up falling for the client.

126 - Snob in the Grass
Larry doesn't mind when Darrin's old girlfriend behaves rudely because he's after her father's account. But when she tries to steal him away from Sam, Endora sends him back in time to before he had met Samantha, to see if he could be happy without her (part 1 of 2).

127 - If They Never Met
Samantha takes up Endora's offer to go back in time to see how Darrin would respond upon meeting her for the first time. Back in the future, Darrin admits for once that Endora was helpful.

128 - Hippie, Hippie, Hooray
Serena disguises herself as Samantha and gets into some hip rock and roll. Now the hippest of the hip, she sings rock and roll and shakes up the Stephenses’ household while pretending to be Samantha. To convince Larry that Serena is Sam’s cousin, Darrin invites the Tates to see the two together. But Serena refuses, forcing Sam to do double duty. Larry gets suspicious, noting that one comes down stairs after the other goes up.

129 - A Prince of a Guy
Darrin's cousin Helen falls for Prince Charming, who was brought to life by Tabitha from her storybook. A non-Darrin episode. Guest star STUART MARGOLIN.

130 - McTavish
Aunt Clara learns her old warlock boyfriend Ocky has opened an old castle in England as a resort. But McTavish, an ancestral ghost, is ruining business by scaring the guests. Sam reluctantly agrees to help Ocky and suggests that McTavish find a more comfortable place to haunt. He does -- her house.

131 - How Green Was My Grass
When an artificial lawn is installed on the Stephens' property by mistake, Darrin suspects Samantha is up to her old witchcraft.

132 - To Twitch or Not to Twitch
As Darrin rushes Samantha to an unexpected dinner party, they argue when she uses witchcraft to get dressed. Darrin also has words with Endora, who is minding Tabatha, about witchcraft. When they get stuck in a rainstorm, Sam refuses to offer any supernatural help.

133 - Playmates
Samantha and her daughter visit the Millhowsers. Tabitha turns their young boy into a dog. Sam persuades her daughter to retransform Michael back to his original self. A non-Darrin episode.

134 - Tabitha's Cranky Spell
Larry wants Samantha to convince his client to update his company's image. Louise’s Aunt Harriet baby-sits for Tabitha. Tabitha leads Aunt Harriet to believe that she’s contacted her dead fiancé, Mr. Henderson. Sam assures Harriet that it was all a dream. A non-Darrin episode.

135 - I Confess
Sam uses witchcraft to fend off a man in the street. Darrin, thinking her only defense in life to be magic, gets angry and decides to end his opposition to her power usage. He’s ready to tell the whole world that his wife is a witch. In a fantasy sequence, Sam uses a dream spell to show him what life would be like if everyone knew her secret.

136 - A Majority of Two
Aunt Clara and Samantha dress as geishas to entertain one of Larry's Japanese clients. A non-Darrin episode.

137 - Samantha's Secret Saucer
Aunt Clara is minding Tabatha, who is playing witha flying saucer. The toy flies outside and Aunt Clara zaps it back, but this one's a real spaceship containing aliens and she can’t shrink it, and this alarms Gladys. The last episode to feature Aunt Clara.

138 - The No-Harm Charm
Darrin’s brochure for the multi-million dollar Omega Bank mistakenly lists the bank’s assets as $100. Larry suggests he take some time off. Darrin thinks he has Uncle Arthur’s magic charm for protection and he sets out to salvage the Omega account, and thwart armed bank robbers with it (actually the ornament from the top of a lamp).

139 - Man of the Year
The Hucksters’ Club names Darrin one of the advertising men of the year. Sam claims he won’t be affected by such a title. Endora sets out to prove otherwise, so she casts a spell on Darrin to enhance his likability to Titanic proportions.

140 - Splitsville
Gladys leaves Abner, and Samantha invites her to stay with her and Darrin. Darrin is not happy about the situation. Sam casts a spell over the butcher, Mr. Hogersdorf, who then falls for Gladys. Abner is jealous and Kravitz couple fall back into each other’s arms. A remake of episode #32

Fifth Season

141 - Samantha's Wedding Present
Endora shrinks Darrin to miniature size and he is mistaken for a leprechaun by a drunk.

142 - Samantha Goes South for a Spell
Samantha is sent to post-Civil War New Orleans by the jealous wife of one of Serena's boyfriends. Guest stars JACK CASSIDY and ISABEL SANFORD.

143 - Samantha on the Keyboard
Endora turns Tabitha into a world-class pianist.

144 - Darrin Gone and Forgotten
Carlotta the witch kidnaps Darrin because she believes that Samantha was promised to her son Juke. Guest star MERCEDES MCCAMBRIDGE.

145 - It's So Nice to Have a Spouse Around the House
Darrin inadvertently takes Serena on a second honeymoon.

146 - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Endora turns Darrin into the vainest man in the world, causing him to dress extravagantly in front of Larry's new client.

147 - Samantha's French Pastry
In his attempt to whip up Napoleon pastries, Uncle Arthur conjures up the real Napoleon (guest star HENRY GIBSON of Laugh-In).

148 - Is it Magic or Imagination?
A diaper manufacturer decides to use one of Samantha's ideas, and this bothers Darrin because he thinks she used magic instead of brain power.

149 - Samantha Fights City Hall
Samantha protests the building of a supermarket to replace a neighborhood playground. Guest star VIC TAYBACK.

150 - Samantha Loses Her Voice
Uncle Arthur switches Samantha's and Darrin's voices.

151 - I Don't Want to Be a Toad
Tabitha turns a schoolmate into a butterfly.

152 - Weep No More, My Willow
Samantha's ailing willow tree will not weep with the breeze. Dr. Bombay, in a botched attempt to cure the tree, causes Samantha to weep instead.

153 - Instant Courtesy
Thanks to Endora, Darrin becomes a perfect gentleman to the point of irritation.

154 - Samantha's Super Maid
Neither Samantha nor Darrin have the heart to fire their new maid.

155 - Serena Strikes Again (Part 1)
Serena turns one of Darrin's sexy clients into a chimpanzee and then disappears. There was a similar ep of I Dream Of Jeannie

156 - Serena Strikes Again (Part 2)
Serena returns, but the chimpanzee has escaped.

157 - One Touch of Midas
Endora helps out Darrin by creating a foolproof marketing plan for his new product, the Fuzz Doll.

158 - Samantha the Bard
Samantha can't stop speaking in rhyme at a dinner party at the Tates'.

159 - Samantha the Sculptress
Endora conjures up a pair of living clay busts of Darrin and Larry.

160 - Mrs. Stephens, Where Are You?
Serena turns Darrin's mother into a cat. A non-Darrin episode.

161 - Marriage, Witches Style
Serena goes to a computer dating service to get hitched with a mortal. Guest star JOHN FIEDLER (his 2nd Bewitched episode). A non-Darrin episode.

162 - Going Ape
Tabitha turns a chimpanzee into a man, who is then picked to be a model for a cologne ad. Also guest stars DANNY BONADUCE of the Partridge Family. A non-Darrin episode.

163 - Tabitha's Weekend
Tabitha spends a weekend with Darrin's parents and turns herself into a cookie. A non-Darrin episode.

164 - The Battle of Burning Oak
Darrin is turned into a major snob when he is being considered for membership in an exclusive club. Guest star EDWARD ANDREWS of "Supertrain."

165 - Samantha's Power Failure
Samantha has her powers taken away because she is married to a mortal. Uncle Arthur and Serena give up their powers in protest and wind up working in an ice cream parlor in a role similar to the I Love Lucy candy factory episode. A non-Darrin episode.

166 - Samantha Twitches for UNICEF
Sam uses witchcraft to get a millionaire to make good on his pledge to UNICEF. Guest star BERNIE KOPELL of Get Smart. A non-Darrin episode.

167 - Daddy Does His Thing
Maurice turns Darrin into a mule when he turns down a birthday gift.

168 - Samantha's Good News
Maurice arrives with a beautiful witch he claims is his secretary and this makes Endora jealous. In this episode Samantha announces that she is due to have another baby. A non-Darrin episode.

169 - Samantha's Shopping Spree
Sam, Endora, Tabitha, and Cousin Henry go to a department store, and Henry turns a salesman into a mannequin. A non-Darrin episode.

170 - Samantha and Darrin in Mexico City
The Stephenses travel to Mexico, but Darrin is placed under Endora's spell which causes him to vanish every time he speaks Spanish. This is the last episode to feature Dick York (as Darrin), who was suffering back problems and had been missing from several episodes.

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