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Marty Sanchez Men's Association Home Page

About the Men's Association


The Men's Association was officially organized in early 2000, it's first full year of operation. There was one hastily organized event, the Club Championship, in 1999.

The Association was started by, and is still run 100% by volunteers - the Association Officers. The Pro's at Marty Sanchez help out on the Association tournamens on a voluntary basis.

The Officers for the year are elected at the Annual Meeting early in the March. Officers include President, Vice President, Rules Chairman, Handicap Chairman, and Secretary.

The Association was started without any help from the City, County, or Course Operator. The annual buget currently is equal to $10 per Member.

Officers 2001
President - David Akre
Vice President - Chic Kelty
Handicap Chairman - David West
Rules Chairman - John Smoker
Secretary - James Corstorphine

Officers 2000
President - David Akre
Vice President - Hoyt Mutz
Handicap Chairman - Thom Cole
Rules Chairman - Steve Hansen
Secretary - James Corstorphine