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About Me

You mean you're actually interested in who I am? Pretty scary. Well, to start I am 23 years old. I grew up in New Mexico, but currently life in San Antonio, Texas. I attended Trinity University for 5 years and earned a BA in Drama, and a Masters in Teaching. Right now I am teaching high school theatre arts and helping to run a multi-million dollar Performing Arts Center in Converse, Texas.

What? You want more? Sheesh... expecting a lot from me, aren't you? Well all right... Let me say a little more about myself. First and foremost, I love theatre in all forms. I think that theatre is a dying art, but one that is incredibly special and should never be lost. What the world is becoming used to is having images fed to them on a screen, and not being forced to think for themselves. Theatre is an experience, not only an entertainment. In terms of theatre, I am primarily a director. I love to create a piece as a team and believe completely in the creative process. I've also acted in several shows and enjoy it very much. And, on the third string, I'm a playwright. I do some writing - although I can't say how good it is. For me, the writing is the most personal and revealing. At any rate, aside from theatre, I lead a relatively normal life. I enjoy the outdoors (when it's not incredibly hot) and relaxing evenings at home - although those are incredibly rare. I love spending relaxing evenings with friends, enjoying their company and the hope of more to come. I believe that everything happens for a reason in life, but I also have found that we create those reasons out of desires and needs. I believe in living, experiencing, forgiving, and loving. For after all, what is there left in this world to desire more than love? What do I value? Passion. Passion is so rare in this world, and so easily forgotten or passed over. I believe not only in living for myself, but finding more of myself in others, completing identity through love. Here, I suppose, is a short version of me. And, let me tell you, if you've read this far, you've done more than most. Again, email me if this short autobiography is insufficient in some way! Thanks for being interested!

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