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Thank You's & Credits Section

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I would like to thank the following people for their contribution to this site:

Samantha Au: For her continued support and contribution to the message board and ideas for the site. She let me copy her disclaimer since I didn't feel like writing one myself. She also helped write our letter to Marcus requesting his participation in the site through a short Q&A. Samantha added the link to this site to the Florida Panthers Offical Website Fan Links page. Thanks for being a great friend!!

Ken Denardo: For finally letting me use his precious photos of Marcus on the site. I want to thank him for trusting me with his photos and being a great friend. And for his frequent and large contributions of photos. This site wouldn't be as unique as it is without him. And also for letting Tanya, Sam & I come over to his house and spend hours sifting through piles of photos to find ones of our favorite players. And for *finally* finding that awesome photo of him the red jersey (you know which one I'm talking about). I had to make it the site's main picture. Thanks for the idea =)

Donna Pape: For making those awesome videos of Marcus for the site. I want to thank her for taking time out of her busy schedule to do something nice for me. =) Thank you for all your support and all your emails that kept me sane during my absence from work. I really appreciate it. =)

Suzanne: Even though I don't know you that well and have never met you before, thank you for adding my link around the web and in your Yahoo Clubs. You've been very helpful in getting the word out about the site. Thanks ;)

Andrew (Pavelbureh10): For being kind enough to scan that card of Marcus and resizing it for me so I would be able to put it up on the site. Your effort is very much appreciated. =)

I'd also like to thank everybody who contributed to the message board or this site in any way, shape or form. It was you guys who got this site going for me and without you I don't think I would be as driven to constantly update it. Thanks for keeping the site alive.

Thank you to everyone who signed my guestbook with your words of support. I'm trying my best and I'm glad you approve and encourage the site. Best wishes to everyone!!!

Credit of some information and pictures goes to the following sources:
Florida Panthers Official Website
The Louisville Panthers
Sun-Sentinel Florida Panthers Main Page
Hockey's Future: The Hockey Prospects Resource
The Official Site of the NHLPA
European Hockey.Net
Elitserien - The Swedish Hockey League
MoDo Hockey - Hockey factory
w w w . s k a t e g a t e . c o m

If I forgot a's kinda hard to keep track. =) But if you care and I missed you, you should definitely be on my Links page.