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Created by Miguel Angel Garcia

  • Name of Planet·Araybia
  • Name of Race·Arabians
  • Especial Power·They Can teleport any where they Want.
  • Power Level Description· Theire normal Power level Is about 10,000,000. The highgest Power level is 1,500,000,000.
  • Race Description·They look like a human but bary pawerful. They are a peaceful race but some of them like to fight They are the ones with the highgest PawerLevel. They olso Protect thiere Planet.
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Created by Mario Magana

  • Name of Planet·Mexico
  • Name of Race·Mexicans
  • Especial Power·Eat chili pepers .
  • Power Level Description·The lowest powerlevel is 2,000 it can mostly go up 2,000,000,000 .
  • Race Description·They look like a human but bary pawerful. They are very peaceful they only fight if they have to. They look like humans. .
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I your the creater of this Race and wish for your name to be here. Send me an email telling your name and the name of this race

  • Name of Planet·masin
  • Name of Race·masinians
  • Especial Power·they have tails like the saiyans only that they have different tails of animals so when they transform they transform into the animal the tail represents.
  • Power Level Description·they are the most powerful race in the universe there power level when the y are born is 1,000,000. when they are adults their power level is unstoppable.
  • Race Description·they are like regular humans but have animal tails.
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Created by J.N

  • Name of Planet·UNKNOWN
  • Name of Race·UNKNOWN
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Created by Stephen R.

  • Name of Planet·Beananopilos
  • Name of Race·Beanpods
  • Especial Power·They are extreamly strong, can stand extream tempetures or even a planet blowing up.
  • Power Level Description·They are one the strongest known races. Their lowest powerlevel is 500,000,000.
  • Race Description·they are humans that were stranded on a desert planet and having to adapt made them what they are today.
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Created by Anthony Morales

  • Name of Planet· salcedo
  • Name of Race· dominicans
  • Especial Power· can read peo[les minds
  • Power Level Description· the lowest is 5 but their best is 10,999,999,999, and it gets higher every day
  • Race Description· strong and powerfull and their power level gets higher every day
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Created by Tre Perez

  • Name of Planet·Euronia
  • Name of Race·Euronian's
  • Especial Power· when tuned into mind, spirit, emotions, and power, they can make a trans. kinda like a super saiyan but with silver hair.
  • Power Level Description· at birth they are like humans, but if one trains very well, they can reach a level off the scale and be measured in exponents.
  • Race Description· strong and powerfull and their power level gets higher every day
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Created by Nikki Thomas

  • Name of Planet· Plunket
  • Name of Race· Clarans
  • Especial Power· Lightning disc Thunder punch Special blast
  • Power Level Description· THey are the second strongest races. Their highest level is 9,000,000,000.
  • Race Description· they are cute, little children with bad attitudes and love to fight.
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Created by Kyle Gregg

  • Name of Planet· Earth
  • Name of Race· Gladiators
  • Especial Power· Ultimate power up making them 40 times faster than goku ever got
  • Power Level Description· Normal around 100,00 once they go to their ultimate level its around 100,000,000,000
  • Race Description· Much like sayians only they dont destroy planets they hold a tournament to allow them to show off their power short lives
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Created by Kyle Richard

  • Name of Planet· Keman
  • Name of Race· the Kemans
  • Especial Power· their speshial power is like the Namek's but slightly different
  • Power Level Description· 1000 more than Namek's power
  • Race Description· blue skin green hair musculer vests like Gogeta's
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Created by Steven King

  • Name of Planet· jounkley
  • Name of Race· junkers
  • Especial Power· travel at speed oflight Shout lasers out chest selfdestruct and surive spiret bomb turn invisable
  • Power Level Description· When there born there powerlevel is 500,000,000,000 when adults off charts but grows 500,000,000,000 every 30 minutes
  • Race Description· Kind and gentle they look lie humans but with spikes down arms and back
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Created by josh bennett

  • Name of Planet· fungus
  • Name of Race· fungians
  • Especial Power· Reads peoples minds fly final flash disappear
  • Power Level Description· at bireth 60,000 as adult 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, and grows 1,000,000,000,by the minute
  • Race Description· gentle unless threatened
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Created by goku none

  • Name of Planet· earth
  • Name of Race· indians
  • Especial Power·they can absorb any energy wave thrown at thes
  • Power Level Description· 100,000,000,000,000.
  • Race Description· they look like small kids with afros.This is to make the enemies think they are weak
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Created by Ricardo Cruz

  • Name of Planet · Jitsu
  • Name of Race· Jitsuians
  • Especial Power·Ultra Jitsu
  • Power Level Description· Regular power level is 100,000,000 but in ultra jitso form their power level raises to about 1,000,000,000 minimum and about 5000,000,000,000 maximum.when they are born their power levels are at 10,000,000
  • Race Description· They look like sai-jins except they are a lot taller and a lot more musclar. There are 10 forms of ultra jitsu modesin every form their hair turns diferant colors and their eyes are always red
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Created by Lil' Dre unknown

  • Name of Planet · Vivial
  • Name of Race· Vivians
  • Especial Power·Endless Magic Spirit Bomb Big Bang Final Flash
  • Power Level Description· 2,500,000,000
  • Race Description· look just like sayian-jins
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Created by Joey White

  • Name of Planet · Planet Android
  • Name of Race· Android
  • Especial Power·They no every attack posible in DBZ and DBGT.There is only 10 of them beacause there planet is little.
  • Power Level Description·700,000,000 when they lower it it can go down to 18,000. There is one Android that is the strongest.His power level is 800,000,000 and he can lower his power to 18,000 like the rest.His name is Android 5
  • Race Description· They look like humans with Super Saiyan 2 hair.They are part human and part android
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Created by Jake Wolford

  • Name of Planet · Planet Android
  • Name of Race· Karibitions
  • Especial Power·Able to become a Super Karibiton. All of them are born with blonde hair but it becomes jet black and their eyes turn turn bright blue.
  • Power Level Description·The lowest is 1,000 but they can range out to be between 400,000,000 to 15,000,000,000 if they train hard enough.
  • Race Description· They're mainly gentle and calm but they love a good fiht
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Created by mike n/a

  • Name of Planet · vegeta
  • Name of Race· super sayia-jins
  • Especial Power·transforming and there mad power!!! .
  • Power Level Description·15,000,000 frist tranformation second is about 300,000,000 and third is 600,000,000 and there final is about 1,000,000,000
  • Race Description· gold hire,(except sage 4)
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Created by dwighto terres

  • Name of Planet · vegita
  • Name of Race· dama
  • Especial Power· super dama genki dama beamm sneak attack gillan gun kinghoso
  • Power Level Description·increases every time they fight even if u are partly dama
  • Race Description· average height full grrown is 5,11 and haveblack hair but when super dama they have bright yellow hair
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