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The Next Demention





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This is a map of the Dragon Anoyo. Feel free to explore. Just click on
whatever part of the Anoyo you wish to know about










Anoyo is the afterworld. Everyone in the universe who dies goes straight to Anoyo and from there go either to Heaven (Tenkoku) or Hell. (Jigoku) Anoyo, except for a lot of clouds, consists of the following: Enma Daio's place

King Yama's Palace
This is Enma Daio's place. Everyone who dies is judged by Enma and sent either to Tenkoku or Jigoku. Most people who go in front of Enma are spirits but a few people who did exceptional things during their lives get to keep their bodies.

This is where all the good people get sent after they die. Spirits who go to Tenkoku get there via a plane that departs from Enma's place. We never get to see it in the manga, but we see it in the anime after Goku dies a second time.

King Kai's Planet
This is North Kaiosei, an obscenely small planet with very strong gravity. North Kaio-sama and his pet Bubbles live in a small house on this planet. (in the anime Kaio-sama has an additional pet, Gregory) There are also a few trees on the planet and a single road going around the planet in a circle. (Kaio-sama's hobby is driving) This is the only Kaiosei we get to see. Kaiosei no longer exists, as it was blown up during the Cell saga.

West Kaiosei
This the West-Kaiosei, which is also never seen. We see West Kaio-sama in the anime, though. He wears a monacle and is Kaio-sama's rival.

East Kaio-sei
This is the East Kaio-sei. We never get to see it. In the anime, we see East Kaio-sama, who is a woman with glasses that looks a lot like Norht Kaio-sama. Actually, all of the Kaios wear glasses in some form.

South Kaiosei
This is the South-Kaiosei. We never get to see it either, although we see South Kaio-sama in both the anime and manga. He wears sunglasses and looks somewhat like North Kaio-sama except with a longer face and earrings.

This is Daiokaiosei, where the head of all the Kaios, Dai-Kaio-sama lives. We never get to see it in the manga, but we do in the anime. Dai-Kaio-sama is a really old guy with a long beard who talks like a woman.

Literally "The world of the Kaioshins," this is the holy planet that only the Kaioshins are (supposed) to be able go to. From what we see of Kaioshinkai, it is untouched by civilization. It is also where the "universe's strongest sword," the Z sword, is kept. This is also where the last major battle in DBZ was fought. The Kaioshinkai consists of one planet, Kaioshinsei, and many small suns surrounding the planet.

This is where all the bad people get sent after they die. In the manga we never see Jigoku, but in the anime, we see Jigoku several times, including one time where Goku accidentally fell off the Serpent Road.

Snake Way
This is the Serpent Road, a 1,000,000 kilometer long road that looks like a snake. At the end of the road is Kaio's planet, where Goku went to train. Around the Serpent Road are endless clouds, under which is Jigoku. (hell) In order to get to Kaio's planet, you have to go by the Serpent Road or teleport there.