This Is Your FBI

This Is Your FBI

Equitable Life Assurance was the sustaining sponsor for this series, which aired from 1945 to 1953 on ABC. The shows were first produced in New York and later in Hollywood (1948).
Each production had its own cast. For example, Frank Lovejoy and Dean Carlton played the narrator in the Eastern version and William Woodson had the same part on the West Coast.
Former comedy writer Jerry Devine was given access to closed FBI crime files. He was also given a special tour of the Bureau and even attended a 2-week session at the FBI School in Washington, D.C. The Bureau was always seen in glowing terms and got the endorsement from then Chief J. Edgar Hoover who referred to the show as, "the finest dramatic program on the air."

When the move to Hollywood came, the cases were seen through the eyes of fictitious agent Jim Taylor. A stickler for accuracy, Devine made semi-annual trips to Washington so he could stay abreast of the latest crime detection methods used the FBI. Devine first wrote for "Mr. District Attorney," starring Frank Lovejoy, and brought the star with him when be became the director for "This Is Your FBI."
Milton Cross was one of the announcers when the show was produced in New York. He later became closely identified with the Metropolitan Opera Broadcasts, where he had a long career as the radio host. By the way, Prokofiev's "The Love For Three Oranges" provided the theme music for the show.

FBI books available.
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