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Flying on the Wings of Time
Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions. ~John Randolph ~



Well, I've been back for exactly a week and I can't believe all the stuff that I've done already. I've seen most of my friends(some several times), gone to the mall twice, ate sushi, went to a graduation ceremony, watched a few movies, re-read the third Harry Potter book (now in the middle of the fourth one), read halfway through a book on action script for Flash, and learned to cook one dish. There must be more that I've done I just can't seem to remember that far. WeeEE :) I think this is gonna be a great summer! I don't really feel like I've been gone that long because not too much has changed... (at least nothing has changed for the worse) :)

Yesterday was a fun day. I went to the graduation ceremony. The whole ceremony seemed to go by really quickly! It was cool though 'cause I got to see so many people that I thought I wouldn't see again. :)Took a lot of pictures too! Hopefully I will get them developed soon and somehow incorporate it into my website.

Today went out to In and Out for lunch. I discovered how fun Yahtzee is! For some reason, it's quite addictive. haha. Guess I'm still easily amused.



So much for updating frequently. It's been five days since I've written in here. Mostly spent this weekend studying for finals... although it was finally sunny here this weekend. I wish I could have had time to hike to the P. But, seems like I won't have time to do all the things on my list this quarter. :/ Oh well, more stuff to do next year. :) Oh I did go downtown on Saturday morning to visit people at the assisted living community. It was so fun and everyone there was so nice! They totally love listening to people talk or just sit with them. Even though there's not much for them to do there, most of them seemed pretty happy. :) I guess even the simplest things can make you happy if you take time to appreciate it. :)

Well, only two more days to go! I just finished my philosophy final which was at 7AM. I was afraid I would be falling asleep but I actually didn't feel very sleepy! I went to get hot chocolate at 6:30 and there was no one else walking around campus. It was kinda spooky. In the UU people were just beginning to set up for the day. sheesh.. I can't imagine how people can get up so early every morning.

Well, that's all for now. I dont know if I'll update until I'm back home. Weee!



Wow! I can't believe it's June. Yes, it's been almost nine months since I came to college and I'm finally starting a blog to record my college experiences! ;) By the way... this blog looks rather dull right now, but soon I will make it more interesting. I had considered getting a xanga, but there are already too many out there! Anyways, I hope I will update this regularly. Maybe.. twice a week at least?

Not too much going on here. I can't believe there are only three more days of classes left. That means there's only one more physics lab, one more computer science lab and one more music class to go! Aah! That's so crazy! It's funny how I really dreaded labs during the beginning of the quarter but then they became fun... and now I only have one more left!

Anyways.. there's so much more that I have to do before I go back home for the summer. I started thinking about all the things I haven't done here and started a list. Try a pizza bagel at Sandwich Factory, eat a grilled cheese sandwich at the Lighthouse, eat at Veranda Cafe (for those who don't know.. those are all eateries on campus), hike to the P, hike to Bishop's Peak(maybe), hike to the chicken unit again, and visit Pedro(the crab). There's probably more to do that I have forgotten about. hehe.

Okay. That's all for now. When do you think I will update? ;)



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