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Fun Stuff

Tests and Quizes

Intelligence Test Test your intelligence by counting Fs.
Self Esteem Test How's your self esteem?
A Wicked Hard Riddle   Albert Einstein made's pretty hard!
Are You in Love? Are you in love? Take this quiz and see!
The Purity Test Take the purity test and then share your results at The Forum!

Funny Reads

Jokes Funny funny funny jokes!
Crazy News Crazy news stories from around the world.
Urban Legends Are these stories for real or not?
Sock Monkies The solution to the Y2K problem
The Potty Page Potties (toilets) from Disney Land.

Nice Reads

The Best Things In Life   The best things in life.

Random Links

Piss Off Your Friends A fun way to piss off your friends.
You Eat Like A Pig! Learn how to say it in over 50 languages
The Belching Page The title speaks for itself.


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