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The slow process of Chinese water torture is not slow enough to deserve my insanity!!!

Hello... I am a HAL 9000 Computer. What is your name? I am better than you. You will die.

Just another page on the vast space of information known as the worldwide web!!!

  • If you have come to this site i have been obligated to tell you by my friends that your are either an idiot or both cases i am happy to welcome you to a minature mold of once was a great web page. Thanks to the war of '82 this web page has been welded down to a small piece o' crap for your viewing pleasure. If you are on this site you have to GO HERE! Also and I am a heavy gamer and I do it more than I should and more than studying. They call me Silent Bob or Night Marauder and I am in TE clan in unreal tournament and *AKA* in Half-life, come on in so I can kill ya, laters. Unfortunately angelfire has gone down the shitter since it joined lycos and geocities has gone up from the shitter sine it joined yahoo so this page will be neglected forever, hence there is no reason to come here.

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    Last updated: December 4th no thats not right.....what you've lost me.....hey a bird.....

    If some how by the grace of god you are this far down my page please proceed to yet another piece o' crap phenomenom! Don't Do "IT" Don't Click Don't You will regret it Don't DO "IT"!!!
  • Want the real deal? You know what I mean! Click here.