1999-2000Terrier Hockey


See, I told you I'd get around to it! Of course, the season's almost over, but still! Bear with me now, I'm trying to do this without a roster, which is tough.

#2: Bussoli Another one whose name nobody can agree on. Is it "BUssoli" or "BusSOli"? Personally, I'm leaning toward the second one. But again, whatever. I'll pull the pole out of my ass later, I promise.

#6: Collins Not too much to say about the boy. Actually, he's pretty good. He had a nice scoring streak earlier in the season, and he's pretty consistent.

#20: Priem I'm totally blocking on #20. I keep wanting to say it's Priem, but it's not. He's #27. So now, of course, I can't remember who it really is. I'll come back with a name soon, I promise.
Okay, I just checked USCHO, and it is Priem! I thought so! For a second, I thought I was going nuts. Of course, that means I had to find out who was #27...

#27: Cronin This one's Priem. I don't know why I keep confounding him with #20. I'm sorry! No! it's John Cronin! I don't know where my brain is sometimes. Anyhoo, whatever the name, he ain't half bad, I think. I'm pretty sure I'm watching the right player, but it's hard to see from section 7 sometimes, especially when a certain tall trumpet player decides to stand for no good reason and I can't see past him...but I digress.

#33: Sabo This kid's great. Seth and I were talking at the beginning of the season, and we both agreed that John would be one of the best new freshmen. His presence on Corazzini's and Baker's line is very nice. The Short People line tends to clean up when it's out there, and we can't resist the old cheer of, "Yeah, Johnny!" from The Karate Kid.