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Believe it or not, this page is going to be updated soon with a new look and expanded pages (finished ones, not 10% complete ones anymore)

If you'd like to see the progress of my FFX site (just a test right now, there's still a lot of bugs to work out and Q and A is the only working link), click here(Flash 6.0 or higher is required). Or you can view the "mother site" (One Winged Angels) that I'm also working on (it's a much, MUCH bigger file size though, so only go if you REALLY want to see it--I'm working on reducing the size). Anyway, that site is located here.

*I've now started on the FFVII page. It will be the first to be done since it was the first on this site and because I have the most resources for it. I also think it should be the first since it was the first Final Fantasy I ever played, and it is what got me into Final Fantasy. That site is here (only the characters, world map, and Walkthrough sections work and are not yet complete).

*In reading through my past character profiles I have come to realize I really did not do very well at writing them. One of the biggest things I noticed was that I gave several spoilers in almost everyone's profile. So I have decided to re-write the character's profiles once I am done with all of their new Flash sites. Also, I am sorry it is taking so long to get them finished. The other sites will be much easier to work on than the Character's profiles; I should be able to finish them much quicker (but school will be a great disturbance when it comes 'round).

Please tell me what you think of my new layout (or testing of a layout) of these two sites so far at my new e-mail address