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We all know boys are dumb, so here is the list that we(not just me) have compiled of reasons about their dumbness.They were written in our very boring classes at school. Also check out Why we love boys and the list Mark sent out of Why girls are dumb Also read this Man-Hating Poem The newest edition Why We Are Pathetic And I've also decided to put some Pictures up, so enjoy! And year three will be added soon

They just are

They are morons

They change their minds everyday

One day they like you, the next day they don't.

Sometimes they smell funny

If they don't think with their balls, they are shy as hell

They lie about stuff you did

They never seem to remember anything

I hate them

They forget to call when they promise they will

They're all talk

Their penises are inadequate, a dildo can replace them

a guy once said "a pussy's a pussy"

They want to be "just friends" with all the benefits, then they leave hickeys on your neck

They act like they like you so you get all excited then they end up going out with dumb skanky girls

They're cheap, rather spend money on beer than you

They CUM too soon

never choose me(always choose someone else) because "Olcran is just my friend"

They would rather smoke up than spend time with you

They would rather have "ground beef" than "prime rib"

They're afraid of you

They think you're mean for no reason at all

They assume things

They think we care about their penises, no we don't, they're kind of ugly

just cause you're flirty and "friends" that means you like them

They think that all girls masturbate, alot of us don't

Their fascination with lesbians

They think you want to hear all about their trips to the strip clubs

The scrawnier they are, the dumber they are

They're just big babies!

They think that just cause you fool around with them, it means that you're in love with and want them after, sometimes girls are horny too!

They always say dumbasas things that piss you off

They harass your best friend to find out things about you but refuse to talk to you themselves even though they are going out with you

They are obsessed with what underwear you're wearing

They think we want to hear hot hot Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears are

Their friends always come first even if they already made plans with you

Won't call or return your calls for days and days then make lame excuses

Lead you on with their cute ways then go for someone else

They play with your minds

They stay with their ex-girlfriends because they're scared even though they hate them

They're desperate

They won't make up their minds

They talk in stupid voices

When you catch them staring at your chest

They don't act like the boyfriends in the'd think they would learn

They don't appreciate the need for shoes(many many pairs in different colors)

They mess your hair

When then show you how strong they are by beating you at wrestling and pin you down

They say they're goping to drive and then they get drunk and you're stuck

When they bug you about your driving when they don't even drive

When they mumble on the phone

They tuck their jeans into their shoes

They slap your ass

When you keep asking them questions and they never ask anything about you

When they have to "top you up"(whatever they did is always better than you)

They make you drive so they can get drunk

They work at the liquor cellar

If they want to come over/do something they will force their way into your house

When scrawny guys wear tight shirts

They cut off their hockey hair

They DON't cut off their hockey hair

They hit on you then on your friend

They don't shave regularly

They get kicked out of bars for being asses in the girls bathroom

When you end up having to pay for everything!

They shave their legs and love it

name their penises

pretend that they are your friend but they really want more....then don't talk to you if you aren't interested

show up at your house drunk in the middle of the night....isn't that romantic!

KEVIN!!!! need we say more

when they lead you on and then you find out they have a girlfriend

male PMS....and they think it doesn't exist

whenever we're in a bad mood it's automatically blamed on PMS

pierce their belly buttons....why?

get caught up in losing their virginity..."You're a man now!"

think it's amazing when they drink tons, but really when they can barely talk---it's disgusting

How much they drink, the size of their penis, and how many people they've slept with measures their manhood

they seem to have a fascination with getting naked together

They bash boy bands but secretly they adore them

Their obsession with breasts---they're just fat

they rely too much on their dumbass friends and trying to be like them

When they think that they are party sluts when they aren't

That they think that if you and a guy are talkingthat it actuallymeans you're giving him head

They're too chicken to try anything, they expect you too

They can't understand that the world does not revolve around them

They're dumb cause they either can't/won't take the hint

would rather do anything in the world than have a real serious conversation.....unlesss they know that they will get actionafter.

do/or say little things that will totally hurt you and they don't even know they did anything wrong

act like they like you and call you all the time, then ask if your best friend will go out with them.

They are obsessed with getting head, and sometimes lie about it

They try to get you drunk so they can take advantage of you even though they are gross.

They call you at 3:30am and want you to come over

you only talk when you're both drunk, otherwise nothing, then you spit on their stupid car

get all cute and nice and like they really care about you then the next day they treat you like a stranger

cheated on me with my best friend after 1 1/2 years

won't pick you up from your house on your 1st date.They make you walk to McD's in the winter to get picked up. then he makes 3 girls fall in the crosswalk, cuz he didn't see them till you screamed

they never say what they are actually thinking

They bash boy bands but secretly they adore them

Only start talking to you the night or day before a big party b/c they know you'll be drunk and they think they can get some ass

Say the cutest things in the world to you when you're......and they succeed in taking advantage of you...the next day you wonder why the hell you even thought about touching them

have bets about everything(games)

get paid by their friends for getting girls to flash them

they use you to cheat on their girlfriends

After almost 2 years think that not calling for 2 weeks is "OK"

decide that even after you aren't going out, thar he has the right to get involved in your personal life

lie through their teeth and think they've gotten away with it

Here are the new ones!

They don't dump you, even though they don't like you anymore.

They pee anywhere they can, just b/c they can stand up.

You can't bend over cuz they'll talk about your ass and compare it to other girls

They think lesbianism turns us on too

They think we love porn

We are always up for having a threesome

How they expect you to look perfect but bitch about anorexia and how long it takes you to get ready

How they talk about how other girls look right in front of you

tapered jeans aren't cool

they have multiple personalities

You repeatedly catch them staring at you, but it means nothing

They can't express themselves, unless it's about sex

They lie to you when they know your boyfriend is cheating

When you catch them doing something horrible, they say, "I don't know what you're talking about."

They call you and then make no attempt at a conversation, they expect you to all the work

They think it's funny to tell guys that you aren't interested in at all, that you are

They can act as slutty as they want and there's nothing wrong with it, but girls can't

why guys are word----TESTOSTERONE----

They keep score on everything----it's always a competetion (but then so do we)

They think farting is hilarious--the smellier the better

Hot guys are assholes, nice ones are ugly...or gay

they dress funny

"SALE" shirts are not cool

They are dirty, both physically and mentally

When they get in large groups the human species de-evolves 10 million years

How they can break your heart without giving you any reasons

How they have to apologize everday cause they do or say something stupid

Their new psycho girlfriends stalk you!(crazy bitch)

They think that just cause you're best friends that they have the right to touch any part of your body that they want

They love you and you're the one after 3 conversations

Shaving body hair that normally isn't, not just the legs, and then showing you when they're 2 weeks old

They tell all their friends how far the two of you have gone

They make stupid jokes

They don't think before they talk

They make bets to see who can grab the worst spot on you

They hold you down and dry rape you when you can't move

They openly masturbate in front of you

Walk around with their schlong hangin down

They look at playboys and watch porn at the same time

They lock you in bathrooms and won't let you out, and put their hand up your shirt

They stick their head in your chest, make sucky noises and say, "Mama, Mama"

They have masturbating contests

They measure their penises together

They're obsessed with boobs and make you feel inadequate if you don't have any

They tell you that they'll pay for your boob job when you're married

Think that we purposely wear our purse straps between our boobs, so they'll look, no that's just how they go, if we wanted you to look we'd wear something low cut

They never call back!GRRRRR

They like to point out in front of everyone when you're nipply....and act as if we can really help it when it's cold out

Oh Yeah for sure! we don't comment on shrinkage all the time

They "finish" before us

They don't "complete" the job

They want to wear your thongs

Just because we have an ICA club doesn't mean we're desperate, we're picky, you would take anyone you could get

They think that if you're tattoed and pierced that it means you're easy

They wear you bra on their head

They try your bra on

When they don't shave(especially if all they can grow is a pube stash) Olcran says ewwww

even though they aren't in kindergarted they think that making fun of you and giving you face washes is a productive way to flirt

They don't shave and think you enjoy getting scratched from their whiskers

Think it's funny to give you hickeys in noticeable places

Your embarassment is hysterical to them

They find it funny to pin you down and have tickle wars, but really it hurts

They think it's funny when you throw up

They come to your work drunk and yell cocktease really loud from the aisles

They think we actually enjoy watching them play playstation all night

They get mad/jealous when we have girls nights....cause they all know what truly goes on at girls nights, we can't hide it anymore

When you tell them how to be healthy and they don't listen!

When they want to get laid and you actually want to watch the movie

They forget stuff at your house or in your car

when they yell Hodi! or Hare! or Huddy!

They think that girls talk nehind their friends back, but they do the same thing

They like spreading gossip as much as girls but act like they don't

just b/c you're nice to them they take it to meaning you like them and try to get action...even though you don't like them

Think b/c you fooled around with one guy, you'll become the town bicycle and fool around with them too

They do have bigger mouths than girls

drink too much and don't remember anything in the morning

strip(and we're not talking about the men on ladies night!)

laugh@ blond jokes...guys can be blond too!

act overconfident when they have no reason to

guys can't handle shots as well as females! it's been proven over and over again

when they are insecure and won't let you go in public

The way they play games---they won't break up with a girl unless there is another one waiting

Think girls will wait around forever

boxers briefs are extremely unattractive

pretend like they are really interested in talking to you but they are really picturing you naked