Deb's Spiritual Links
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Retina Scan In Progress.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

Deb's Spiritual Links

These Links Relate to:

GOD, Angels, Spiritual Development, Prophecy and the Paranormal.

THANKS FOR STOPPING IN! This page was created on September 27, 1997. Please email me if the URLs don't link properly. I'm looking for more mega-links relating to my interests, I'd be happy to check out anything you think might be of interest to me, and others, so feel free to send me the links via email (see below).

We'd like to state here and now that WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD, WE ARE AWAITING HIS RETURN as are most Christians! That being said, some folks will wonder why we have links to the paranormal and other religious beliefs... we believe that all knowledge comes from GOD and that there is no one way (besides Christ!) of doing or understanding. We believe that all of the world's knowledge and understanding is a gift from GOD and that there is more than one perspective. GOD imparts knowledge and understanding to us according to our ability to receive and perceive, therefore HE deals with us on an individual level! It is us, the human race, that abuses HIS gifts. I liken all knowledge to the idea of drinking alcohol --- it's not the alcohol, or the drinking of it that is wrong it's the abuse of drinking alcohol that's wrong. Let's not ban knowledge because we don't understand it, let's strive to learn everything we can ... let's not say "it is wrong" just because WE don't understand or agree. It is GOD's knowledge and HE imparts it to HIS beings!

Our RVers page has kept me very busy and therefore I haven't had much time to really work on adding links here. The links I have added are of interest to me and my spiritaul development, they may not be your 'cup of coffee'. I hope you do enjoy these links, sign my guestbook and visit often to see what's new!

Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook

GOD & Angels:

Our Angels took the puppy to Heaven --- my story!

Angels on the Net

Kabbalah Links:
BNEI-BARUCH Kabbalah Home Page.
BNEI-BARUCH On-Line Lessons in Kabbalah!

If you are interested in some audio tapes, you may try these: "The Tree of Life" by Rabbi David Zeller. You can buy this 6-tape audio set by calling for a SOUNDS TRUE catalog at (800) 333-9185. Or, check out this website: Yakar: Center for Torah and Creativity.
Another 5-tape audio set that I found interesting was "The Mystical Kabbalah" by Rabbi David A. Cooper (these may also be ordered from SOUNDS TRUE).

Seeing AURAs, etc.:

Spiritweb Org, Promoting Spiritual Consciousness on the Internet.
How to See and READ the AURA!

Sci-Fi, Earth Changes, Paranormal, etc.
Art Bell - Talk Radio Host, Sci-Fi, etc.
Tim Elder's Paralinks! - Paranormal.
Kent Lawrence's 'The Changing Earth' links
The unofficial 666 FAQ

Write me:

Webmaster: Debbie Murtagh
Last Revised/Updated: April 7, 1998