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New this week: Upadted Piccolo's Bio page a lot, 2 new galleries (89 pics total) E-mail me
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Weekly (or daily) News
DBZ #3 Searched
I was flipping through January 2000 issue of Yahoo Internet Life Magazine and I stubbled upon the Click Charts Section. I never really pay attention to the section, but a picture of a SSJ caught my eye. It seems that DBZ is the 3rd most searched for on Lycos. It is behind two things I don't particularly like, Pokemon and Britney Spears. The ranking is for the week of 9/19 to 9/25/99. This is good news for all the DB/Z/GT sites out there. The only search engin I know I am on is AOL. If you got here a different way, please tell me. It is pretty cool that DBZ is as popular as it is. There will probably be an update in the next Yahoo Magazine, so I'll keep you up to date.

I know that this site is very young, but I was offered a better webhost, so I'm going to take it. I havn't started to move yet, but I am organizing to. My new address will be a lot shorter than my current url. I'm not going to tell you the address until I get it up and running. There will be a lot of improvments, but it will still have the same basic look. It would really help me out if you would take a minute to vote for what you want in the new site. I'll still update this site until I get the other one running. When I'm done, DBZ ver. 3.0 will be a vast improvment on ver. 2.0.

Updates Coming
I know it looks like I avn't been working on the site recently, but I have. I've been working really hard on upgrading Piccolo's Bio page. You might not have seen any changes to his Bio page. That is because I'm not going to show it off until it is done. After I get Piccolo's Bio page done, it will be a lot easyer to upgade the other Bios in the same formate. So you can look forward to Bios, Stats, Character Gallerys, Fights w/ Characters, Link to Family Tree, Attacks, and more. I am trying hard to finish and I'll have it up soon.

2000 hits
Over 2000 people have come to my site as of December 16, 1999 (8:14pm). That means that my site has gained 1000 hits in the last 16 days. No, I'm not going to tell you for each 1000. I just wanted to thank you for comming to my site. Check back for a lot of updates starting this weekend till the end of the year.

I am sorry for giving in accurate info on my page. I've been trying to figure this out for a few days. I was given false info from someone I know. I put in the Goku bio that he reached SSJ5, but I figured out that he only reaches SSJ4. I corrected the mistake and I apologize for it. If you see anything on my site that is incorrect, please send me an e-mail a.s.a.p.

New DBZ Movie
In an article in IGN sci-fi. They said that there is a Dragon Ball Z movie that is in works. I'm guessing that it's going to be like when The Tree of Might, Dead Zone, or worlds Strongest came out in America and just come out on Video. But due the the success of DBZ in America it could come to theaters. Anyway, the DBZ movie guys are trying to find people with musical talent (veiw job at TAXI ). They are looking primarily for hard rock type music, like "Rage Against The Machine, White Zombie, Kid Rock, ect. ect.". A DBZ movie with good music? This is something I've got to see. I don't know much more, but I'll try and ind out as much as I can.

1000 hits
Over 1000 people have come to my site as of November 30, 1999 (3:50pm). For a lot of sites out there, they get about this much per day. But for me, 1000 hits is a big deal. I only started the site a month and a half ago and people only started coming since a week and a half ago. I encourage people that have already been to my site to come back, because there is new stuff to find every week. By next Monday I hope to get 200 more pictures up. So check back once in awhile to see what is new.

Piccolo Bio Page
Sorry I havn't been updating to much, but that all is going to change. I have a bunch of updates that will only take me a few hours. I'll tell you when I finish them. But for now, I have updated Piccolo's Bio. Now you can find a lot more info on Piccolo that wasn't there before. I am going to update the other Bio's the same way, but they probably won't appear till I have changed sites. Hope you enjoy the Update on his Piccolo's Page. (note: the sections at the top of Piccolo's page that are in white are sections I havn't completed)

2 New Galleries!!
I thought you and the other people that come to my site deserved a present of (89) pictures. I finished one gallery yesterday and one today. I wanted to give them to you at the same time, so go check it out. (Note: I know it has been a long time since I have updated. The reason is that I have been too busy with school for the last 2 weeks. From now until the end of Christmas Vacation I will be working on my site constantly. So check back soon.)

Pretty Sweet
If you are reading this, look all the way to left of the screen. Do you see the picture with the web site's sections underneath? Drag your mouse over the sections. See that? It took me awhile to figure out. I probably spent 5 hours trying to decode the Java script. I hope it makes it easier to navigate my site. It is a lot better because it is more compact than how I had it set up before. I put off doing another gallery while I was working on this, I'll get more pictures up in a couple of days. Hope you enjoy it.

(52) New Pictures
I thought I should give you people some more pictures. I have hundreds more to put up, but it takes a lot of work to put all the pictures up. Go to the gallery section to veiw (52) more pictures.

2 New Bios
I got finaly finished writing and typing 2 bios. I wrote a Bio for Bulma and for Trunks. Now I have 11 Bios total. I plan on updating and redesigning the Bios I've already done before I put new ones up. During this week I'm going to focus on getting the [Dictionary] and the [Fights] section started.

Episode Summaries
What do you know, 2 updates in one day. Anyway I got the Episode Summaries section up. Ive been writing summaries for the page for a few weeks now. So far there are 11 summaries. I write them as I see them so there will be 5 new summaries per week, until I get them all in. Please check it out.

My Powerlevel:

just kill me and go.
(since 10/24/99.)

What should I focus on with my new site?

More Pictures
More Bios
Power Levels
Fights Section
Huge Dictionary
Redo All Text

Current Results
vote for me
Please don't take any pictures/text from my site. I worked very hard on writing the pages of text on my site. All of the pictures on this site were scanned by the owners of these web sites: Akujin's, Dragon Ball ZT, Joe's Dragon Ball Z page and Gokou's Dragon Ball Z page or by me. All pictures and names are property of their respective owners, including Akria Toriyama, the DB/Z/GT artists, FUNimations, and anyone else that owns copyrights to DB/Z/GT. My site is here merely to inform people about DB/Z/GT.