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Finally!! Another update! And I know nobody ever comes to my site, because the updates are so minor and plus... nobody really cares. But I have seriously made major improvements. I've gotten over half of the season one summaries up and I added new pictures to discard of bad memories. Unfortunately my friendship with Ashley has reached its demise, and so I've gotten rid of all the pictures of her. :-( But good news for you! That means there are new pictures up! I'm still working on the episode guide and hopefully, by the end of next week I'll have season two completed. So here's the quote:

"Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Help!" - The Beatles


Welcome to Rachel's Realm. Hopefully you are here of your own free will. Nevertheless, I will try to keep this short and to the point. Perhaps even mildly amusing at times. This will be my longest entry simply because I have many things to explain. I plan to update the site at least once a week and have an entry that tells what's new and gives a random quote. After there are three entries up I will move them to the journal page. However, I will leave this entry up... forever. So get used to it. And maybe I'll even modify it a bit. Oooooh... dangerous. So try not to have too much fun and be careful kids. It's a scary world out there. And now for this weeks random quote. Drum roll please! *pause* Ok, uhm... here's the quote:

"Show me a kind and gentle man and I'll show you a loser." - Preshow Entertainment

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