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Little Damon had always dreamed of being a Dallas Cowboy...


Damon Albarn is the lead singer for the band, Blur. Damon used to be the lead singer for a band, Seymour. Seymour also used to be his name, before he went incognito after getting into some trouble with the law for kidnapping Liam Gallagher of Oasis. Yes, Damon's name was once Seymour Simon St.John Albarnavitz. But he thought that might not give him a very good image, so he changed it to Damon. Well, FIRST he changed it to Damion, but there were too many bad connotations that went along with that one, too. Anyway, he sings for Blur. Damon is probably accustomed to being the center of attention by now. Like, in the video for "Girls and Boys," whenever anybody gets in front of him, he acts like he's all ticked off. For instance, Graham danced in front of him at one point in the video, and Damon tried to bite him! Temper, temper! Well, anyway, Damon was good friends with Graham before they became bandmates. I think they were in the same prison, or something. Yeah, that's right. Seymour (Damon) was in for the whole Liam thing, and Graham (formerly Patrick Perciful Pearson III) was in for impersonating Buddy Holly. Or something like that. Damon is currently (or maybe not, who knows) involved with that weird, weird, strange, flipped out freak from that British girl-band. Justine, or something. Hopefully, Damon will come to his senses soon, that's all I'm gonna say about that. Well, that's enough fake info on Damon for one day.

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