My name is Ronnie (a nickname for Veronica).  I can understand
your concern.  I was in COBU for 17 years & I left there
about 12 years ago.  It was very hard for me to leave there because I was so
convinced it was God's will I be there.  I saw Jesus do a lot of amazing
things for me while I was there which all the more made me believe that was
where He wanted me.  My biggest fear about leaving there (which I  tried
to do several times) was I would never be able to be right with God
unless I was in COBU.  It was always instilled in us that we understood the
bible more than other christians & that if we would leave there we would be
playing games with God and not being faithful to what He showed us.  What
brought me out of there was coming to the end of my rope in COBU, because
nothing I did was good enough. We were always condemned, told that we were going
to hell.  Jesus brought me to a place where I realized I needed to find
Him again & I realized nothing was going to change in COBU, as it was only
getting worse & worse.  Jesus did use others who had left to talk to me
while I was still there & that did help me even if they didn't realize that
what they said was helping me to think about what was wrong there.  Prayer
is very important & I will continue to pray.  My hope is that Jesus will
open their eyes to how much it has changed. COBU no longer adheres
to the Gospel.  If there's anything I can do or answer any questions, I'd be glad to help.