From: Fred <> wrote:

Whose authority are you under Fred?????

My own, thank you. Quite frankly, I don't trust any other. Been there, done that.

> PS  Jesus a legend????  Very lazy Fred!!  Read the history books.   jb

That's the problem. I can't find any. Or perhaps you know of some direct
non-gospel historical references to Jesus that I and everybody else missed.

From: Fred <> wrote:

> From:
 I said not a thing about elders or hierarchy; these terms or hang ups belong to you. I realize this is a touchy  issue coming from our common history.  As someone else (Maureen I think) said,  we were raped; a stranger dominated our lives with supposed good intent and took advantage.  Jesus was misrepresented.  This however does not nullify  the flow of authority from Jesus to those who have submitted themselves to him.

Ah yes, well and good. One small problem. HOW DO YOU KNOW you're not being raped
again? How do you authenticate this "authority"? How do you know you are getting
an "accurate representation" this time around?

Recall that you were completely convinced you were getting an accurate
representation at COBU!

>   I have a pastor here on earth who does not dominate me but guides me
> and I am submitted to him.

Oh well. I suppose there are some who just feel like they MUST give their lives
over to someone! I prefer to stay in control of the helm of my own life. Learned
my lesson the first time. I'll not make that mistake again!

>  But I also have the phone number of his pastor if
> he gets strange on me.    Don't submit yourself to someone who in turn is not
> submitted to someone else.   Even Jesus was under authority.  end of sermon
> jb

This is ludicrous. Can't you take charge of your own life? Why MUST you submit to
a chain of authority? Don't you have any self-confidence, my man?

I say, do not submit to ANY authority! Take charge of your own life, and blaze
your own destiny. I mean, think of your life as a ship. Why give the helm to
someone else? Why not control it yourself?

You scare me, my man. You scare me deeply. Let's re-read what you wrote, John:

"Don't submit yourself to someone who in turn is not submitted to someone else."

Do you know what this sounds like? Do I even have to say it? Have you learnt
nothing, my man?

From: Fred <> wrote:
It is amazing how you build a straw man argument and then proceed to tear it  down.

It is amazing how you can twist the sense of my words, then accuse me of creating
a straw man.

> The church is NOT a building or an organization (your straw man).

You are redefining the sense of my words. Surely that building on the corner with
stained-glass windows IS a church. It is not a synagogue, nor is it referred to
as a temple. When I say "church" as in "go to church on sunday", I obviously mean
that stained-glass windowed building on the corner, not the abstraction you are
trying to twist my words into.

> The church is the body of believers and therefore when you become a Christian
> you become a part of the church.  An analogy would be being born in the US
> makes you a US citizen.

If there is anyone who created the straw man, it is you. But hey, if you want to
play semantic games, go ahead. I just warn you that I could easily run rings
around you in that arena.

However, I prefer the uncluttered truth and the parsimony of words to the glib
verbiage of confusing double-talk any day. You obviously prefer Something Else.
To each his own.


Clear, cogent, laconic expressions are the Ways of the Wise.
You scare me, my man. You scare me deeply. Let's re-read what you wrote, John:
"Don't submit yourself to someone who in turn is not submitted to someone else."

Do you know what this sounds like? Do I even have to say it? Have you learnt
nothing, my man?

There are those into "submission and/or accountability".
I can see what that sounds like.  Doesn't float my boat.
I have one with whom I have to do.  I will not follow another fallen
human being or even one who claims to be following the Savior.
I am responsible for my decisions.  Once again: Rethinking Elders
"Just remember this my girl, as you look up at the stars -
something something and never know you have the key...."
Me I'm  Allllll  llllready gone - - -
Good news.  Very good news.  My ex got accepted to the Univ.
of Georgia and starts Aug. 23rd.  How does my freedom feel?
Let me count the days.  There are a few people at work congratulating
her (I've been off all week for the retreat, and now I'm on my days off....)
And there are those at work gloating and, whatever.  There are so
many people there who have tried to destroy us.  I fight back the civil
way - I just go to the office, so they don't mess with me much any more.
She's had her problems and can't wait to leave - and since she was
denied a transfer - at least she now has school and her VA stuff will
pay for it.
So soon.  I never know what she's really up to.  So I don't know when
but this is going to happen.  She wants to be near mom and her folks for
Y2K.  But she's even calmed on that front, as the Universities she's been
talking to say they're compliant, etc. and a lot major places are.
Only am month or two to go.  I can't tell you how great this will be and
how long - 3 or 4 years?  Especially the last 2.  Other people can make
your life a living hell.  Things have been somewhat "civil" the last couple
years, but still - to be free at last, free at last....
Actually, I have known all about this for a while - but wasn't sure.
First she was denied a transfer - things looked bleak.  But I know she longs
for home, etc.  She doesn't want to raise her daughter in a big city where
people is not talkin' right.
But the letter from the U of G came - and she'll finally be going.
From: "Kenneth Samuel" <>

>From Kenny

Here are some secular references to the Historicity of Jesus.

CORNELIUS TACITUS - He was a roman historian and Governor of Asia.  His
comments can be found in his AnnalsXV.44  Also a further reference to Jesus
can be found in a fragment of his Histories.

LUCIAN of SAMOSATA - He was a satirist of the second century.  He spoke
scornfully of Christ and Christians read The Passing Peregrines.  He also
mentions Christ several times in his Alexander the False Prophet    sections
25 and 29.

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS - He was a Jewish historian.  Read his Antiquities.xviii.33
these date early second century.  Also Antiquities xx 9:1

SUETONIUS Another Roman historian, court official under Hadrian Read Life of
Cladius 25.4  Also Lives of the Caesars 26.2

PLINIUS SECUNDUS, PLINY THE YOUNGER - Governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor
about A.D.112.  Epistles X.96

TERTULLIAN - Jurist-theologian of Carthage AD 197. Read Apology,V.2
Also , CR. Justin Martyr, Apology, 1.35.

JUSTIN MARTYR - In his Defense of Christianity about A.D.150 Apology 1.48

The Jewish Talmuds - written between A.D. 100-500  The Babylonian Talmud,
comments in the Baraila,  Babylonia Sanhedrin 43a, The Amoa 'Ulla', Sanhedrin
43a, Yeb.IV3;49a, the Mishna, the Baraita.  They all make numerous
references and comments and quotations related to the historical personhood
of Christ.

Lest we overlook an obvious secular source of information about the
historicity of Christ I will now refer you to the Encyclopedia Britannica,
which uses 20,000 words in describing this person Jesus.  His description
took more space than was given to Aristotle, Cicero, Alexander, Julius
Caesar, Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed or Napoleon Bonaparte.

Concerning the testimony of the many independent secular accounts of Jesus
of Nazareth, it records:
These independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the opponents of
Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus, which was disputed for
the first time and on inadequate grounds by several authors at the end of
the 18th , during the 19th, and at the beginning of the 20th centuries.

I hope this proves helpful to you Fred.


This is ludicrous. Can't you take charge of your own life? Why MUST you submit to
a chain of authority? Don't you have any self-confidence, my man?

I say, do not submit to ANY authority! Take charge of your own life, and blaze
your own destiny. I mean, think of your life as a ship. Why give the helm to
someone else? Why not control it yourself?

From Kenny
Fred sometimes you get carried far far away.  Be real.  What do you mean you do not submit to any authority?  Any time you stop at a traffic signal you are submitting to authority.  You are under authority in relation to your work.  There are those who tell you what you can and can not do and what they will and will not pay you to do it.  Every time you dispose of your trash you are submitting to authority. You can't get a hunting or fishing license without some authority over you approving it.  An authority gave your permission to drive the car you bought with your own money!
You say take charge of your own life well try to put an addition on your home and see how many city planning and building department people, show up wanting you to follow THEIR codes and guidelines.  Take charge of your finances and decide on your own not to pay anymore city state or federal taxes (smile) you know what would happen .  Why? Because you and I are under their authority.

Fred you are not even in control of your own physical being.  You can not add one inch of height to your frame (whether you want to or not, you can't).  You can't even change your shoe size.  Try to make your hand larger or smaller, after all it is your hand is it not?  You can't.  Why?  Because someone in authority over you decided how he wanted you to look.  You have no authority to choose your siblings (if you have any, I do not know).  Nor do you have the authority to choose someone as important as your parents.  With all your confident posturing you have no authority to choose your time and place in history.  You did not decide to be born in the latter half of the 20th century in America did you? It was decided for you.

Each and everyone of us lives under authority.  Get used to it and stop trying to act as if you can live without an authority over you.  God established authority figures for our good and protection.  Yes there are those who abuse it, but the answer is not to throw off all authority. Nor is it to tell others to do so.

I am a child from another realm.  This world means nothing to me.  It's
rules and regulations mean nothing to me.  I do not have to obey them.
They are not God's law.  I can run all the traffic and stop signs I want.
That's this planet.  I don't belong to this planet.  My home is somewhere else.
Wait a second.
Some guy with revolving lights on top of his car
wants me to pull over.....


What Fred wrote did remind me of a movement called the Shepherding movement
in which there was an emphasis on authority and not acting unless one
consulted with the person who was over you.  There ended up being a lot of
abuse in this movement and people were robbed of their individuality.  The
International Churches of Christ (not to be confused with the mainline
Churches of Christ), is one of the largest growing cults in the world--yet,
like COBU the members seem to be Christians, brought this whole movement in a
sense to its logical conclusion...they very much emphasize being under
authority to someone else and in authority to others.  They are so extreme
about this that a lady whose house caught on fire actually called her
discipler asking her what to do before even calling the fire department!
  I have no idea what John is part of.  He seems like a reasonable person to
me so I'm guessing that means he has the room he needs to use his own
God-given brain to discern things for himself.  However, I do know that the
concept of authority can be easily abused, and I think given our background,
being cautious is a good way to proceed.
From: "Kenneth Samuel" <>

Fred was not speaking of caution.  He spoke of rejecting all authority.
That is anti-Christian talk.  Christ is the head of the church.  If you say
you reject ALL authority then you are rejecting Christ's authority also.
Are you following me?  There is quite a bit of difference between using your
God given discernment to place yourself under Biblical authority  and
mindlessly allowing others to dictate to you.  Just because there are
extreme examples of abuse does not mean that all authority structures are
abusive.  Can you follow what I am saying?  How does what Fred said about
throwing off authority being at the helm of his own ship and submitting to
no one again remind you of something who submitted to abusive authority?
Are you going to allow your experience in COBU to forever cloud the issues
of Biblical authority?

Ken...I guess I didn't make my response clear enough.  I didn't mean to
convey that I believe in going against all authority and submitting to
nothing and that my COBU experience would justify that somehow....I meant
that there have been certain movements outside of COBU who didn't have
healthy boundaries when it came to authority--COBU is not alone in that.
What Fred said reminded me of those movements.  Perhaps I also misread
Fred...while I know he is an atheist, I thought he was aiming at what I
alluded some movements don't allow for an individual to think for
themselves because of needing to consult an authority before acting.  Fred
makes it very clear about where he stands in reference to Christianity, we
know he's not going to come from a Christian perspective...but, at least
there are no hidden punches...I think it's better that way...don't you?
However, I don't take everything he says as proselytizing for atheism.  Maybe
I'm naive or whatever, but I think sometimes he's reacting to what we did in
COBU and how we do well to avoid those same traps.  I think of the verse that
says "A right balance comes from the Lord."  It is easy to go to extremes in
this like in so many things.  It's much harder to maintain a balance.
  Also, instead of just putting John in a box with those movements, though he
spoke about being under authority that perhaps in some situations could be
scary, I thought about what I know about him as a person--which is why I
said he seems reasonable and I trust that he has the room he needs to be an
individual before God.  If I'm wrong about that, I'm also sure that he's
growing just like the rest of us are and that in time he will learn the
lessons he needs to know.

Bravo, Maureen!  Betsy

I'm with you Tom. I'm an alien here as well.

Kenneth Samuel wrote:

From Kenny :Fred sometimes you get carried far far away.  Be real.  What do you mean you do not submit to any authority?  Any time you stop at a traffic signal you are submitting to authority.
No, I'm acting in my best interest. I don't want my Lexus smashed to bits!!!!! :-)

 You are under authority in relation to your work.  There are those who tell you what you can and can not do and what they will and will not pay you to do it.

You have no idea what my work environment is like. I am not told what I can and cannot do, I am largely left alone to judge and choose what is best to accomplish the task at hand. And I have a stake in the outcome, just like all the other employees (stock in the company).

Eventually, I will quit the day job and "retire", where I'll have total autonomy and control over my life.

 Every time you dispose of your trash you are submitting to authority.

No, again it is in my Best Interest not to let the house become the next city dump! There is no one FORCING me to put out the trash, and there will be no reprisals if I don't.

You can't get a hunting or fishing license without some authority over you approving it.

I don't hunt or fish.

Kenny: You say take charge of your own life well try to put an addition on your home and see how many city planning and building department people, show up wanting you to follow THEIR codes and guidelines.  Take charge of your finances and decide on your own not to pay anymore city state or federal taxes (smile) you know what would happen .

Actually, I have no control over that. The taxes are taken out BEFORE I get my paycheck!!!!! :-(

Why? Because you and I are under their authority.

Well, they would like to think so, anyway. But what you present here is really a straw man argument. You know darn well what I meant -- not letting someone else dictate to you every aspect of your life -- what you can and cannot eat, how you worship, what your morals are supposed to be, what fun you must deny yourself of, and the like. The bureaucratic "authorities", annoying as they are,  do not have THAT level of control over us. At least not yet.

Kenny: Fred you are not even in control of your own physical being.  You can not add one inch of height to your frame (whether you want to or not, you can't).  You can't even change your shoe size.  Try to make your hand larger or smaller, after all it is your hand is it not?  You can't.  Why?  Because someone in authority over you decided how he wanted you to look.

No, all that stuff was determined by my genes. And besides, your argument is becoming quite ridiculous, don't you think? I do give you more credit for intelligence than that!

 You have no authority to choose your siblings (if you have any, I do not know).  Nor do you have the authority to choose someone as important as your parents.

You'd be surprised.

 With all your confident posturing you have no authority to choose your time and place in history.  You did not decide to be born in the latter half of the 20th century in America did you? It was decided for you.

It seems to me you are trying to stretch REAL HARD to make your point, to the point of absurdity. No one decided my time and place in history. It just happened. But what I do and how I choose to live my life at this point in history is another matter.

Kenny: Each and everyone of us lives under authority.  Get used to it and stop trying to act as if you can live without an authority over you.

Kenny, again, I do give you more credit for intelligence than this. Surely you jest.

 God established authority figures for our good and protection.

<sigh> Here we go again. How do you know this, Kenny?

 Yes there are those who abuse it, but the answer is not to throw off all authority. Nor is it to tell others to do so.

Kenny, I feel for you, my man. You have painted a very austere world where you have no autonomy at all. You present straw man arguments, and make ridiculous assertions, etc. I sincerely hope you're just joking around with me. What's the point of living if all you can do is what others dictate to you? What a boring, miserable existence. Sheesh.

Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!
From: Fred <>

Kenneth Samuel wrote:

> From: "Kenneth Samuel" <>
> Fred was not speaking of caution.  He spoke of rejecting all authority.
> That is anti-Christian talk.  Christ is the head of the church.  If you say
> you reject ALL authority then you are rejecting Christ's authority also.

How can I reject something I don't even recognize or acknowledge or believe in?

> Are you following me?  There is quite a bit of difference between using your
> God given discernment to place yourself under Biblical authority  and
> mindlessly allowing others to dictate to you.

You make the placid assumption that the Bible is the end-all and be-all of
everything. There are thousands of religions and as many religious writings,
right? What makes your Bible so special, other than the fact that it's YOUR
chosen "authority of truth"?

> Just because there are
> extreme examples of abuse does not mean that all authority structures are
> abusive.

Hello! Wake up! Authority-based institutions (like our government, for example)
do not operate in our best interest, but in theirs. They submit us to all kinds
of awkward and meaningless rules, and give us many needless hoops to jump
through, just to make them happy. (and to maintain job security).

>  Can you follow what I am saying?  How does what Fred said about
> throwing off authority being at the helm of his own ship and submitting to
> no one again remind you of something who submitted to abusive authority?
> Are you going to allow your experience in COBU to forever cloud the issues
> of Biblical authority?

COBU was over a looooong time ago for me, and is not really even a factor
anymore. And speaking of authority, there is Islamic authority, which you (I
assume) do not submit to. Why? When you understand that, you'll understand why I
don't submit to your Biblical authority as well.


No, I'm acting in my best interest. I don't want my Lexus smashed to bits!!!!! :-)
Now there's a status symbol.
Kenny: Fred you are not even in control of your own physical being.  You can not add one inch of height to your frame (whether you want to or not, you can't).  You can't even change your shoe size.  Try to make your hand larger or smaller, after all it is your hand is it not?  You can't.  Why?  Because someone in authority over you decided how he wanted you to look.
No, all that stuff was determined by my genes. And besides, your argument is becoming quite ridiculous, don't you think? I do give you more credit for intelligence than that!

This was the one where I thought Kenny "had" you.  Jesus used this argument when he was
talking about not being anxious and how little control we have of the vicissitudes of life.
But I thought Kenny gotcha on this one - you can't control your own physical being -
and you return with:  it's your genes.  Very good!
Though I see where Kenny is coming from, and sympathize with him, the practicality
of your answer astounded me.  I still side with Kenny, to be honest, but cha gotta
give credit where credit is due.  Good answer on your part.
Know what this just reminded me of? I saw some previews for the movie that's
coming out today?  The John Travolta one.  He has a scene with James Woods.
Woods' character says to John - "You're trying to get me to like you, aren't you?
Well you're succeeding.  And at the same time I'm trying to get you to like me".
Something along those lines.  The previews were enough to get me interested in
the movie.  But, like Instinct with Cuba Gooding and Anthony Hopkins - the previews
are supposed to get you to go see it.  But I hear Instinct isn't very good at all.
What I am trying to say is, I'm not trying to "suck up" to Fred.  I outright admire
his tenacity.  And it makes me question and re-determine, why do I believe in Jesus?
After all, if Christ has not been raised from the dead, we are of all men most
to be pitied.
From: Herman M Weiss <>

Hi Fred, want to bet what will happen to you if let the trash accumulate
in your house & property. Remember the MOVE people in Philly!!!

Herm Weiss

You don't have to admire Fred.  He
does enough of that his own "bad"  self.  jb
From: Fred <>

Salut, Herman.

> Hi Fred, want to bet what will happen to you if let the trash accumulate
> in your house & property. Remember the MOVE people in Philly!!!

Remember? How can I forget? I was living just a mere 10 blocks away from that
incident when it happened!!!! Besides, my neighbors would kill me long before
the cops would!!!! :-)
For an eye opener in spirit and truth via the scriptures:
Rethinking Elders by Gene Edwards

...they very much emphasize being under
authority to someone else and in authority to others.  They are so extreme
about this that a lady whose house caught on fire actually called her
discipler asking her what to do before even calling the fire department!
  I have no idea what John is part of.  He seems like a reasonable person to
me so I'm guessing that means he has the room he needs to use his own
God-given brain to discern things for himself.  However, I do know that the
concept of authority can be easily abused, and I think given our background,
being cautious is a good way to proceed.
From: "Kenneth Samuel" <>
Are you going to allow your experience in COBU to forever cloud the issues
of Biblical authority?

Rethinking Elders by Gene Edwards
I've looked at clouds from both sides now....
From: Fred <>


> This was the one where I thought Kenny "had" you.  Jesus used this argument
> when he was
> talking about not being anxious and how little control we have of the
> vicissitudes of life.
> But I thought Kenny gotcha on this one - you can't control your own physical
> being -
> and you return with:  it's your genes.  Very good!

Thanks. It's just that I've had debates like this years ago, so Kenny is not
saying anything I have not seen raked over before.

> Though I see where Kenny is coming from, and sympathize with him,

And I sympathize FOR him.

> the practicality of your answer astounded me.  I still side with Kenny, to be
> honest, but cha gotta
> give credit where credit is due.  Good answer on your part.

Je vous en prie.

Basically, you also have to understand too, that I've been kick in the face many
times by the same authorities that Kenny seems so proud of. Police have proven
no end of trouble -- I have to protect myself and my family from these
"authority figures", and I have to rely on my wits to do it. I'm no match for
lead poisoning or skull fractures, but I know how to out-think these idiots. But
sometimes they come in sheer numbers and no amount of thinking will shrug them
off -- like that horrible night 8 years ago when they came to snatch my son.

I also have to fight another fearsome authority -- the "Child-Protective"
Services, which up till now have been a constant thorn in my side with regards
to my autistic son (who were responsible for that child-snatching 8 years ago).
I have learned -- and painfully so -- to deal with that "authority" as well, who
have been trying constantly to control our lives and how we raise our children.
I have stood up to them successfully, and now I have gotten them out of our
lives, finally.

So, most of my experiences with these government-controlled authorities have
been hideously negative. And why? All because I'm trying to do what few men
would dare -- give an autistic child every possible chance for a future he is
capable of. If your god wants to send me to hell for it, fine, but at least my
conscious will be clear that, even at great personal duress, I have done
everything I possibly could for the boy -- and kept the child-snatchers at bay.

Fortunately, my last run-in with the cops at Pizzeria Uno did not get as far as
CPS -- some idiots called the cops on me an alleged that I was molesting my own
son in a public washroom, as you recall -- I did get a couple of trumped-up
charges slapped on me (disorderly conduct and resisting arrest -- both false, as
a restarunt-full of witnesses can attest to!) which I'll be in court for on the
29th. Wish me luck.

I have zero respect for cops, social workers, and any of their syncopates. I
have seen the worst of them, I know they lie as a matter of course to get their
way, and they are not held accountable for their actions. This is my ongoing
experiences with "authority", and I utterly refuse to knuckle under to them. I'd
rather be shot in the head first!!!! They try all kinds of stupid scare tactics
that not only does not scare me, but gets me even angrier for the insult to my
intelligence that they represent!!! Do they really think I would fall for such
puerile and amateurish tactics?

Of course, it would never occur to them to treat me like a human being. I
actually would be a tad more cooperative if they did. But they invariably put
their worst foot forward.

I say, to hell with authority. The whole hairy horde of them. I can just smell
their carbonized flesh crinkling in the smoldering embers of lowest level now.

> Know what this just reminded me of? I saw some previews for the movie that's
> ...But I hear Instinct isn't very good at all.

OK, Thanks for the tip. I'll wait for video tape.

> What I am trying to say is, I'm not trying to "suck up" to Fred.  I outright
> admire
> his tenacity.  And it makes me question and re-determine, why do I believe in
> Jesus?
> After all, if Christ has not been raised from the dead, we are of all men most
> to be pitied.

Thanks, Tom. And truly, it is not a pity if the whole resurrection bit is
nothing more than just a legend (which I think it is). It simply means the we
humans had better start thinking in terms of making our lives here on terra
firma, instead of chasing fairy tales. We can create a "heaven" for ourselves
here if we try. For me, it seems I live in both, heaven and hell, but I do have
extraordinary circumstances to contend with. I do what I can, I do my best. And
if the Christian gods want to turn my flesh into a carbonized glowing orange-red
mass for it, then I'll burn with pride for all eternity.

Actually, as my son grows older (he's 10 now), I fear there may be more
"misunderstandings" that will lead to more cop calls, that will lead to more
annoyances. One of these times I'll probably get a rogue cop -- worse than the
ones I got this time around -- that just might send me to that orange-red
glowing infinite torture chamber of your god's. But when that day comes, I will
take my lead pills with pride. For I rather die with honor than live as a
coward. I will not change what I do -- I will continue to take my son to the
washroom in public as I have always for the past 8 years (besides, he's getting
too old for the women's room!) And if the authorities want to make a big issue
over it, then so be it.

Je suis un homme!