I am John Branzell, saved completely by the blood of Jesus on March 7th,  1976.  Sean Gallagher and Robin W. Becker played a part in intercepting my life for Jesus. They met me in downtown Bethesda, Maryland and walked me all the way home, leaving my ears and heart tingling with the hope and love of Almighty God.  Later in March I went to a "Center Meeting"
in NW DC and got saved.  Sean and I are joined at the hip and have helped each
other along the way for 22 years now.  We have taken turns pulling each
other out of our messes and encouraging each other.

            In 1991 or thereabouts while driving my 1983 Toyota Corolla (2 door coupe) north on Rt 270 I was thinking about my years in COBU and feeling dirty and ashamed.  The Lord made His presence unmistakably known in my little beat up puddle jumper of a car.  He wanted to make something perfectly clear to me that day.  He told me, strongly & sternly, "You must not call unclean that which I have made clean."  He impressed upon me that He had plans for my
life, good plans and that He was going to use those "wasted years" in COBU for
good and not for evil.

         My wife Annie and I are expecting our fourth child this week of November 15th, 1998.  Erin Marie will be 13 soon, Emma Lee is 6 and Andrew Paul is 5. I am currently the worship leader at my small church in Frederick, MD.  I don't play any musical instruments so I guess it must be my "spare zeal." I'm sorry I couldn't help that one. Please write me, whether you think you remember me or not.  I would like to pray with you.  There is a whole lot of healing going on,  and there is
no other name by which we can be saved and healed than Jesus Christ

 Thank you God for using Mike M. and
  others and for this web site,

yours in Jesus who still lives and rules,

John  Branzell