From: Beverly Diehl <>

If we must have an acronym for the unfortunates still in, how
about calling them COB’s - for ‘captives of Babylon’ as well as

Not too long ago, I happened upon the last half of the Sci-Fi
classic movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  For those of you
who don’t recall, this was a very scary movie about an attempted
take-over of Earth by an alien people.  They ‘got’ you while you
were sleeping, and in your place left a zombie-like pod person who
looked and sounded like you, physically, but was one of ‘them’ -
and their only agenda seemed to be to trap every free human and
turn him or her into one of them.

Anyone else see some parallels here?

P.S.  Welcome to all the new people on the onelist, and happy
anniversary to Mike M. and his wife.


- Beverly

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

If you have mistakes... there is always another
chance for you... you may have a fresh start any
moment you choose, for this thing we call
"failure" is not the falling down, but the staying
                                             Mary Pickford
                                                American actress

From: Tom Pierron <tpierron@Op.Net>

This is one of those movies I caught while surfing - never saw from
start to finish - and I don't think it's necessary -
but a very good correlation.  And pretty creepy.
>  If we must have an acronym for the unfortunates still in, how
>  about calling them COB’s - for ‘captives of Babylon’ as well as
>  COBU?
>  Not too long ago, I happened upon the last half of the Sci-Fi
>  classic movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  For those of you
>  who don’t recall, this was a very scary movie about an attempted
>  take-over of Earth by an alien people.  They ‘got’ you while you
>  were sleeping, and in your place left a zombie-like pod person who
>  looked and sounded like you, physically, but was one of ‘them’ -
>  and their only agenda seemed to be to trap every free human and
>  turn him or her into one of them.
>  Anyone else see some parallels her
> From: Diana Clarke <>
> COB'S! I like that!  makes sense

I've heard ex-members of other groups similar to COBU compare their former
groups to the body snatcher analogy.  I sure think it fits.  I think even
Stewart, back when he had called us a cult, talked about our being clones.
Of course he didn't have anything to do with it...HA!
From: "Owen D Camp" <>

From:  Owen
        Dear All
       Sorry for the delay.  Here are some alternatives to POW:

Captives Of Wizard         COWs
Diligent Rehashers Of Idiotic Drivel        DROIDs
People Exploited Owning Nothing        PEONs
Specially Harassed Extremely Exploited People

Clueless LOners Needlessly Exploited by Stewart       CLONES
Penned Up People

I think SHEEPs will be the most comfortable for us.

                    And by my Lord I'll get there
         Owen Camp    Bronx NY

From: Tom Pierron <tpierron@Op.Net>

I like

 From: "Owen D Camp" <>
 People Exploited Owning Nothing        PEONs
 Specially Harassed Extremely Exploited People



Get over it already.  Nobody can mess you up more than you can, and nobody in
this world can help you more than you can.  The longer you hold on to the
stuff about how others messed up your life, the longer it will be before you
will be healed.  Don't be so stupid as to live an enemy centered life.

Hey  Pop  you are so
right.    jb

There is certainly a line of division when it comes to abuse and
responsibility.  While the abusers (in our case Stewart Inc.) have to answer
for their own actions, I am the one who still must deal with the consequences
in my life and not use anything that happened to me as an excuse to drop out
of life, shirk responsibility, sin, etc.  However, what has helped me is to
not to blame myself for the abuse.  It seemed easier actually to blame
myself, everything just seemed safer and more in order that way.  Facing that
someone had that kind of stronghold in my life and how I had been in a
situation with little or no power to do anything for myself is scarier and
more vulnerable.

Hey Pop    she's got an
excellent point also!! john branzell

I still like Cobot


Hey Pop who are yoooooz
anyway.   Do  I know  yooooz.

john branzell
From: Tom Pierron <tpierron@Op.Net>

> From:
> Get over it already.  Nobody can mess you up more than you can, and nobody in
> this world can help you more than you can.  The longer you hold on to the
> stuff about how others messed up your life, the longer it will be before you
> will be healed.  Don't be so stupid as to live an enemy centered life.

But it's so hard to fight an enemy that has outposts in your head.
(forget who said it)
(If there are still outposts in your head, that is....)
What took us so long to get out?
And some, as I've said before, you can take them out of COBU,
but you can't take the COBU out of them.
Even I, who consider myself totally free of ST's influence see
myself mimicking him every now and then.
He could be entertaining at times.

Hi Pete!

I think it's great that we have our "old" personalities back.
For me, it was a bit like returning to humanity.
Some famous guy said you cease to be Christian
when you cease to be human.
From: Tom Pierron <tpierron@Op.Net>

He might be off for the night now -
that's Jim LaRue.
We used to snail mail a lot years passed.
PopCarpet is the business he's in with a couple
other brothers in Manhattan - not too far from
Christian Brothers (physically far, that is)
Why don't we buy a cage for Stewart and charge admission for his unique

From: Diana Clarke <>

I vote for "CLONES"

From: Diana Clarke <>

Yeah, like one of them there "prison cell" cages.
Stew, The New Manson!

From: "Owen D Camp" <>

From:  Owen
       COBOT      Christians Overseen By Obnoxious Tyrant
From: Doris Petini <>


He looks like Manson in some of those pics on Mike's page!

From: "Kenneth Samuel" <>

Diligent Rehashers Of Idiotic Drivel - this seems to describe the behavior
quite well.  I like it.
From: Beverly Diehl <>

We do have to accept responsibility for our actions.  Another good
quote is that, "If you could kick the rear end of the person who
has caused the most trouble in your life, you wouldn't be able to
sit down for a week."

But... because by your actions you leave yourself vulnerable to
being manipulated, tricked, or taken advantage of, does not mean
the person or persons who choose to do so are free of guilt or


- Beverly