Dear Friends,

I am writing to ask for your prayers during a challenging time in our
family. Recently, two of our boys, Mason, almost two years old and Remick, our nine
year old have developed health problems. Mason has a growth in the neck
area that we have been watching for several months and the doctors have
confirmed that he needs to have a biopsy done to evaluate it. Remick has developed an
inflammation in his chest , that has not responded to strong cortisone
therapy and it has been recommended that he have a bone biopsy done to evaluate it.
As we visited in Namibia over the Christmas holidays, we had both boys
evaluated by a pediatrician and her husband, an orthopedic doctor, and they have
recommended that both boys be brought to the States to have these
procedures done. They did extensive bloodwork which we are waiting for results.

I will be leaving Maun on Tuesday to meet Jerry who is in Jo’berg, South
Africa this week. The boys and I plan to travel to Houston later in the
week to my Mom’s home and have the boys evaluated at the Medical Center. Jerry
will go back to Maun to take care of the ministry and will come as well,
depending on the diagnosis for the boys. We know that God is in charge and ask for
you to join with us in prayer as we make this journey. You can email Jerry at
this email number and I can be emailed at  I will have
my laptop with me to receive emails at that address.

We love you and appreciate your support and concern. I can be reached at my
Mom’s in Friendswood, Tx at (281) 992-3170 later in the week. My travel is
not confirmed as I write this, but we will be there as soon as possible. We
will stay in touch and give you an update as soon as we have some answers.
Psalm 94:19 – "In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts
delight my soul!"

Thank you for your love and Prayers.

Jana Lackey