Comments pertaining to the
Chris Blaise Reunion

To the Reunion Page

Thank you for your comments...

From Yvette Hicks:
Thank you both Bill and Noemi for being such wonderful hosts of our reunion. It was really good to see everyone and to hear Chris' amazing testimony of God's goodness and mercy. Do you think that will be the spot next year? I think alot let really excited and encouraged to be there. I really believe the attendance will continue to increase in the years to come.


From Mike Walker:
Bill, I agree, the rerunion was a blessing. I saw several folks I haven't seen for over 27 years. I was even able to find healing to wounds that were that old. Also, thank YOU for all you did to make this event a success. Although many people did many things to pull it off, you organized and led, you hauled trash, and did many things in between. * I ended up taking only a few pictures - attached is one I'm especially fond of. thanks again,

* picture uploaded to the album