Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As most of you already know, a few months ago Chris Blaise was in a very bad vehicle accident. The driver was instantly killed. Although Chris survived the accident, he is without feeling from the waist down. You would never know this by his great attitude. He is glad to be alive and is grateful for his loving friends and family. He is truly an example of perseverance in the midst of trial.

Because I live near the Blaises, I am able to see them often. I asked Debbie how things were going financially. She told me that they are $1300.00 short each month. So I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if those of us who have known the Blaises over the years would come to their aid in this time of need." Some of you are already helping the Blaises and have done so since the accident. The Lord Jesus Christ will bless you for this. I was thinking if a bunch of us were to send $15, $20, $25 or $50 a month to the Blaises, it would help them tremendously. The scripture that comes to my mind is Matthew 25:36, "I need clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."

Richard Wurmbrand once said to me,"You will find that in life you will have many acquaintances but few friends. Cherish your friendships and invest in them." Helping Chris and Debbie is a way to put this into practice. No one should feel obligated. A one time gift would be better than nothing at all. If you are unable to give at this time, may I recommend that you pray for Chris and Debbie and their entire family. Pray especially that Our Lord would continue to show His love, grace and mercy to them. Pray that the Blaises will come through this trial with greater strength and faith.

I do hope all is well you. May you drink deeply of Our Lord's love and have assurance that you belong to Him.

You can send your checks and a kind note to:

Debbie Blaise

2202 North Beaver Street

York, PA 17404

Thank you for your faithfulness

Your Friend,

Denny Dennison