From Joe Griffo

I remembered something last night for the first time in a long time. It is something that I pushed away, or buried. However I forgot it does not matter now. About 4 years after leaving COBU these events happened. They are not exaggerated, or retold by someone else, they happened to me. Maureen Cianciarulo was living in Brooklyn after leaving COBU also. She found in her room an old contact card from COBU with my name and old address. She then felt a huge burden to pray for me, which she did. About 2 weeks later I walked into the church she was attending that Sunday, I myself returning to Jesus. Within two years we were married. Before we were married however, I was living with another ex-COBU person named Ernie. He also recently returned to God, and so did our other friend John, who was visiting later that day. When John arrived I asked him what exactly is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we were hearing a lot about it lately. John then excitedly told me that he was woken up that morning by a voice urging him to get to my house to pray for the Holy Spirit to come. I was a little skeptical, then he told me to open to Acts chapter 10. Picking up my bible I opened it, and on the first try it was exactly at Acts chapter 10. The three of us were amazed and sat down. John explained the baptism of the Holy Spirit as we read this section. We then prayed, asking God for the baptism of His Spirit. Nothing happened, I became doubtful again, then John slapped me on the shoulder saying "C'mon willya speak in tongues already!!!" And I did, speaking in tongues, an unknown language of heaven.

But wait--there's more.

At work a few days later I began to get words of knowledge about different people. It happened on its own without me looking for it. One guy used to argue with me all the time about God. (Imagine? Me? Arguing?) I looked at him that day and saw him in my mind writing in a book. Then I said to him "You write poems and stuff. You like to write, you have a book you write stuff in." He was astonished, he said that only one person beside himself knew about that book. I then told him that God knows and wants him to know he is real by this sign. The same week I saw that the UPS man was a summer camp counselor, someone else did sewing crafts, another collected stamps. All these happened unplanned, usually as we passed each other at work. In each case it was a witness to the gospel I had already told them. There were other similar moves of the Spirit that followed. Later I began to prophesy also.

This shows me that the bible is 100% true. Jesus is real. I was attacked so hard after that for years that I was worn down and forgot these great things.

Jesus is real, and these things happened to me, there is no way to deny this. During the following years I was an assistant pastor, and teacher. The enemy attacked and wore me out. I have been on the sidelines, now I see that God will use me again to feed his flock. I am able to warn others and help others who have gone through this as well, or are going through it now. I am so grateful because He knew what would happen and how I would need to be reminded and renewed. Thank you Lord Jesus for your wonderful and mighty Spirit.