
By: Mike Hansen

Anger swells in me

Waiting to unleash my wrath upon

the next motherfucker

who wants a piece of me

hate runs rampant

in my veins

one more word and i'm gonna explode

raining fists on you beaten bloody corpse

stupid mother fucker

what the fuck were you thinking

you peice of shit

its a good thing

i busted up your face

your eyes nose and mouth bleeding

smile all fucked up

you dumb motherfucker

I broke both your legs

i kicked you when you fell down

i stood you back up

and socked your motherfucking jaw

I knocked your ass out

jumped on your chest and let loose on your face

cracked your goddamn skull on the sidewalk

and watched as you bled

my knuckles were bare

but i broke most your ribs

my fists were nothing you could hope to combat

and thats why youre bleeding motherfucker

you shouldnt have fucked with me

dont start shit there wont be shit

but you thought you were all that

and what are you now bitch

i kicked your ass

broke your body

damn near killed you

too bad, so close
