I was born in the year of the tiger. What about youuuu? Enter your birthyear and press the "pet" button and you will know what year of the Chinese zodiac you were born on.

Hi, people! Hi, hi! Hi! HI! I guess you want to find out all about me! We're going to be the best of friends, I think. What do you think? What do you think of my sites? Have you been to all of them? Enough about that. Let me tell you about myself. First of all, you need to know who I am. I, Mary-Kate, am named  Mary-Kate. I also have a sister, but I am not allowed to tell you about her. She does not like my web site. She has bad eye site. Speaking of my web site, special thanks to my mommy and daddy for letting me have this page. They also warned me people might hack it. How, first of all, will they hack it, I want to know. With an axe? A butter knife? A gamma knife? I can't tell you my last name, but I can tell you the other stuff you might like. I live in California. That is in the United States of America. The USA is in North America, and North America is in a continent belonging to planet Earth. Planet earth can be located in the Solar system. It is the fourth planet away from our sun.  Its neighboring planets are Mars and Venus. Get it? Men are from mars, women are from Venus .The solar system can be located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, which is a little speck in the universe. Milky Way bars are very good, also. They are better than even Snickers, though I always snicker at my sister for wearing my grandmother's jeans. Now that I have covered **where I live**, I will talk about my appearance. I make appearances in southern California all the time.
I suppose you will want to know about California. If not, click here to skip it. A state of the United States of America, lying on the Pacific Ocean and bounded by Oregon on the north, Nevada and Arizona on the east, and the Mexican state of Baja California Norte on the south. The capital is
Sacramento. The third largest state in area (after Alaska and Texas), it
extends for about 800 miles (1,300 km) from north to south and 250 miles
(400 km) from east to west.

The earliest inhabitants of California were Indians who, unlike other North American Indian groupings, had no centralized governmental structures. Instead, each group had its own independent territorial and political units.
At the time of initial European exploration the major language groupings in the area were the Na-Den? Hokan, Penutian, and Aztec-Tanoan.

The region received scant attention from Europeans for more than three centuries after its first sighting in 1542 by the Spanish navigator Juan Cabrillo. The Franciscan friar Junípero Serra established the first mission at
San Diego in 1769. The 21 missions established by Serra and his successors drew large Indian populations and were centres for farming and ranching. Mexico became independent from Spain in 1821, and the mission properties were parceled out to political favourites by the Mexican government in 1833-40. The first organized group of U.S. settlers arrived in 1841, having traveled by wagon train from Missouri. In 1846 American settlers at Sonoma seized control and proclaimed an independent California republic. The U.S. flag was raised at Monterey after the United States declared war on Mexico during the same year, and, following the end of the
Mexican War in 1848, the territory was ceded to the United States. The discovery of gold in 1848 caused immediate, extensive population growth, and in 1850 California became the 31st state.

Physiographically California can be divided into four main regions: (1) the coastal mountain ranges, extending 20 to 40 miles (32 to 64 km) inland and rising to 8,000 feet (2,440 m); (2) the Sierra Nevada, running 430
miles (690 km) north to south and rising above 14,000 feet (4,300 m); (3) the Central Valley, containing the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers; and (4) part of the Great Basin of the Basin and Range Province, containing the
eastern deserts. Within 85 miles (137 km) of each other lie Mount Whitney and Death Valley, respectively the highest (14,494 feet [4,418 m]) and lowest (282 feet [86 m] below sea level) points in the 48 coterminous

The California climate is diverse. The moderate coastal climate has been a major factor in the concentration of settlement along the coast, where temperatures seldom exceed 90?F (32?C) or drop to freezing. The Colorado Desert of southeastern California has summer temperatures up to 130?F (54?C), with annual rainfall averaging 3 to 4 inches (75 to 100 mm). Redwood forests thrive in the northwestern coastal ranges, where annual rainfall exceeds 70 inches (1,778 mm) and annual temperatures average 55?F (13?C). Climate changes rapidly with altitude, and the coastal cities are only hours away from mountain skiing or desert sports.
Between 1860 and 1960 California's population nearly doubled on the average of once every two decades, and by 1970 it had become the nation's most populous state. Although predominantly white, the ethnic mix is pronounced. Of the 50 states California has the largest populations of Spanish speakers, American Indians, Chinese, Filipinos, Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese and the second largest populations of blacks and Asian Indians. The urban population exceeds 91 percent, a higher ratio than any other state. More than three-quarters of the population lives in the three largest urban complexes--Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, and San Diego.
In economic terms California is more aptly compared with nations than with other U.S. states. The total value of its goods and services is surpassed only by the United States as a whole and a few other industrialized nations. It is the United States' leading agricultural producer. More than four-fifths of its cropland is irrigated. In nearly 50 crop and livestock commodities, California production exceeds that of any other state, and, for some specialty crops, California is the sole domestic source. Important farm products in which it ranks high are almonds, broccoli, dates, figs, flowers and nursery products, grapes, lemons, lettuce, peaches, prunes, strawberries, sugar beets, tomatoes, walnuts, eggs, cotton, oranges, rice, milk, turkeys, and wool.

Petroleum and natural gas are the leading mineral resources. Boron, cement, and sand and
gravel are also important. The largest manufacturing sector is aerospace-defense. Electric and
electronic equipment, transportation equipment, machinery, and processed food are the most
important manufactured products. An enormous economic impact is made by the spending each
year of millions of tourists who travel from other states and countries.

California has the greatest concentration of motor vehicles in the world and the most extensive
system of multilane divided highways. The development of mass transit, however, with the
exception of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) of the San Francisco area and the trolley
systems of San Diego and Sacramento, has been neglected, leaving urban transit for the most
part to buses and private cars; consequently, there are enormous problems arising from smog
and air pollution. Air service, especially along the coastal corridor, is extensive. Transport of
goods is primarily by trucks, although coastal shipping is becoming increasingly important.

Lavish expenditures have been made to support theatre, dance, symphony, opera, and art.
California attracts some of the finest artists and performers, as well as a considerable number
of those with aspirations to be such. Hollywood, with its movie and television industry, continues
to be an international symbol of glamour.

California's higher-education system is oriented toward tax-supported, public institutions.
Interactions with private industry in the areas of research and development have contributed
heavily to its economic growth. Institutions of higher education include the outstanding
University of California and California State University systems, numerous private universities,
many of them of the highest quality, and a large number of community colleges. Area 158,706
square miles (411,049 square km). Pop. (1990) 29,760,021. 
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Now that you know all about California, perhaps you would like to know about earth. If you don't click here to skip reading this very, very informative chunk of information.
 Earth is the third planet in distance outward from the Sun. It is the only planetary body in the solar
system that has conditions suitable for life, at least as known to modern science.

The mean distance of the Earth from the Sun is about 149,573,000 km (92,960,000 miles). The
planet orbits the Sun at a speed of 29.8 km (18.5 miles) per second, making one complete
revolution in 365.25 days. As it revolves around the Sun, the Earth spins on its axis and rotates
completely once every 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds.

The fifth largest planet of the solar system, the Earth has an equatorial circumference of 40,076
km (24,902 miles), an equatorial radius of 6,378 km (3,963 miles), a polar radius of 6,357 km
(3,950 miles), and a mean radius of 6,371 km (3,960 miles). The planet's total surface area is
roughly 509,600,000 square km (197,000,000 square miles), of which about 29 percent, or
148,000,000 square km (57,000,000 square miles), is land. The balance of the surface is
covered by the oceans and smaller seas. The Earth has a mass of 5.976 1027 grams (or
roughly 6 1021 metric tons) and a mean density of 5.517 grams per cubic cm (0.2 pound per
cubic inch).
The Earth has a single natural satellite, the Moon. The latter orbits the planet at a mean
distance of slightly more than 384,400 km (238,870 miles).

  I do not think you will need to know the rest.  So read about my family. 
F@mily My dad does not believe in aliens, and it would frighten him if any aliens showed up. So, green Martians, do not talk to my dad. Remember his high blood pressure. My dad looks a lot like me, except that he is a man. A man is the male of the species homo sapiens. Although, however, my grandmother looks more like an orangutan than a regular human. So she is an irregular human, I think. Thank goodness I got my grandfather's jeans. They are good old denim blue jeans with a hole above the knee and five pockets. Thank goodness I got my grandfather's jeans  and not my grandmother's jeans. They are a cut above the rest. Now I do not look like my grandmother. And that is a relief. But finally I will talk about 
what I l(
o)(o)k like. I have either dark blonde or light brown hair and big blue-green eyes. I look exactly the same as my sister. My sister is a little bit older than I am. I can put in a picture of myself.   That will spice up my autobiography, don't you think? If you have been to California, I think you may have seen me. Heck, if you have been to earth, you may have seen me. Maybe you saw me shopping at a mall. 
That is
what I like to do. I like to volleyball, go swimming, play tennis, baseball, badminton, go biking, hiking, , reading writing, drawing, acting, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, cleaning, shopping, talking on the telephone, studying, going to school ,throwing parties, go running, sprinting, read Harry Potter books, Roald Dahl books, Beverly Cleary books, do typing, skipping, tap dancing, yodeling, complete math problems, trigonometry, eat pizza, pick flowers, eat ice cream, play football, play soccer (American Football), bake cookies, play the violin, clarinet, piano. listen to music, attend concerts, movies, watch TV, do vacationing, traveling, innovating, relaxing, e-mail, and working on this web page and collecting awards. I also like Curious George, Pokemon, Power Puff girls, Barbie, Barney, Blues Clues, and Frankie Muniz, Backstreet Boys, writing letters, reading letters, gardening, weeding, plating, jumping-roping, pogo sticks, bothering my brother and sister, playing board games, and basketball. Maybe you want to know a little bit more about basket ball. Basketball is the only all-American sport, since it was first invented in America. It's a game played with an inflated ball between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court. Each team tries to score by tossing the ball through the opponent's goal, an elevated, horizontally mounted hoop and net called a basket. Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, a physical education instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association Training School (now Springfield College) in Springfield, Mass., U.S. The game caught on quickly in the United States, and in 1896 the first college basketball game with five team members on a side was played at the University of Iowa. During the 1930s several rules were changed to speed up the game; e.g., each team had 10 seconds in which to advance the ball beyond midcourt or lose possession of it, and a player could not stand inside the opposing team's foul area (in front of the basket) for more than three seconds. The centre jump was eliminated, and the adoption of the one-hand shot led to higher scoring games. The presentation of college games at large exhibition arenas in major cities contributed greatly to the popularity of basketball as a spectator sport. With the inclusion of basketball in the Olympic Games in 1936, the game gained worldwide attention. The Fédération Internationale de Basketball Amateur was organized in 1932 to govern the international game, establishing world championships for men in 1950 and for women in 1953. In the Olympic Games, the U.S. men's team has been dominant and from 1992 was composed of professional players. In women's Olympic competition, contested since 1976, the U.S. and Soviet teams have been most successful. Organized American professional basketball began in 1898 with the creation of the National Basketball League (NBL). After the original league foundered, a new NBL was formed in 1937. The Basketball Association of America, a second league, was organized in 1946, and in 1949 the two leagues were merged to form the National Basketball Association (NBA). A rival American Basketball Association (ABA) was set up in 1967 and was merged with the NBA in 1976. American basketball courts are slightly larger than international courts and measure 50 feet wide by 94 feet long (15 m by 28 m; see illustration). The ball is moved about the court by dribbling (i.e., bouncing it against the floor) or by passing (tossing) it to another player. A successful shot, or field goal, is worth two points or, when taken from beyond a specified distance (marked by a line) from the basket, three points. Fouls are caused by physical contact between players when one player puts another at a disadvantage. After certain fouls, play is momentarily interrupted and the fouled player is awarded one to three unhindered free throws, which are taken from beyond a line 15 feet (4.6 m) in front of the backboard to which the basket is attached; successful free throws are worth one point. A jump ball is held between two opposing players either to begin the game or when the possession of the ball is shared between two opposing players. After a team scores, the other team brings the ball into play. The major annual American basketball events are the NBA championship (for professionals), the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championship, and the National Invitation Tournament, a postseason college competition. . I also collect things. 
I collect
antiques, old movies, pencils, pens, buttons, stamps, birds' nests, rubber figurines, Oriental collectibles, Milk ads, and soo much more. Thank you for reading my autobiography, now you know why I get all those awards. I win them by sheer force of personality, don't you think? What else do you need to know? Oh, yes my brother. 
Oo0oh, br0ther
. My brother Trent is a pain. He likes to bother me, watch Star Wars, work on his computer, and he likes a girl named Katelynn Treanor in his class. I am not supposed to tell you that ,but that will make him mad. Plus, Katelynn will be embarrassed. And although I can't tell you about my sister (she already has a website) I know her secret crush. She has a crush on brad Pitt. Sorry, hon, but he's out. I have an idea. Why doesn't she go ahead and change her name to Jennifer? That way she'd be married to him. And she also says whoever marries either one of us (did I mention we're twins?) will have to sign a nuptial.  Well, even though I can't write about who she is, I can write about what she does. <>{} Do you want to know our favorite movies? <>/

More about me Here is more info about me! Full Name: I was born June 13th, 1986. I write with my left hand. That means I don't write with my right hand. Get it? My favorite colors are purple, yellow, and blue. My favorite game is Spit. My favorite book is Oliver Twist "Oliver Twist" was my introduction to Charles Dickens. His style of writing is difficult at first and I found myself looking up words in the dictionary in the first half of the book. He uses some words in a totally different ways; however I was still able to follow the story. This book was probably as realistic as it could get in the 19th century but since I am living in the 20th century the characters seem phony. They speak in flowery phrases. Very Victorian English,by Jove! "Pray, dear, do come and release the trouble that ails you so." Some characters, like the thieves, speak to intelligently. Even Oliver seems linguistly gifted for an undereducated,malnourished, physically and mentally abused orphan; and the ugly sexual elements are missing (not that I want it in there though.) I like happy endings and this book had one.Loose ends were tied and the antagonists got their just reward. A shiny, happy 19th century story. I am glad I read it. Its nice to read different sytles of writing. Now I can say " Yeah, I've read Dickens." . My favorite gum is strawberry gum. I also like three other flavors: peppermint, spearmint, and wintergreen. My favorite food is tacos. I get them at Taco Bell. It's a great restaurant. Mc Donalds and KFC are okay too, but Taco Bell is the best. I really like that chihuahua dog. My favorite lunch is grilled cheese. I like cheese burgers for dinner.My favorite fruit is grapes. Green grapes are the best. My uncle has a vineyard, but he only makes and drinks his own wine. My least favorite foods are brussel sprouts (very, very yuck) and turkey (very, very putrid). MY favorite classes in school are gym, recess, and science. My favorite flower is the violet. My favorite cartoon characters are Taz, Goofy, and Dopey. My favorite book characters are Harry Potter and Spot the Dog. My bike color is blue. I play the violin very well. I like Pepsi better than Coca-Cola. I speak English. My favorite dog breed is the pug. MY favorite Disney princess is Belle from Beauty and the Beast. My favorite TV show is Dawson's Creek. I have a HORSE names CD. In competitions her name is Compact Disc. I have a pug dog named Dotcom. MY favorite thing to shop for is horse stuff for CD. Oh, yeah. My name was originally Mary Kate, but then I changed it to Mary-Kate. I think next I might change it to Mary*Kate. How's that?