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Assatur's Secret World
My name is Raymond Welt, but I've adopted Assatur as my name as well. I'm using these pages to give myself a forum for ideas, writings, and other projects I've been working on. With any luck, I've finally stumbled on the final format my website will take, and it will only grow as some projects are worked on and others are started. Take a look around, and see what you think.

Journal archived issues of Silver Moon, a personal
zine of varying content
compilations of some of the greatest
music and artists, and even
some original work
WolfCall Records
Delta Green roleplaying in a world of government
conspiracy and Lovecraftian horror

fantasy roleplaying in a totally unique
and richly detailed world

Legend of the Five Rings a roleplaying and card game inspired
by tales of samurai and honor
a collection of my own writings
in various mediums
Unicursal Hexagram