Were are proudly announcing the future birth of our first baby girl. Due date Spetember 15 2000.Due to my pregnancy i wont be updating or signing guestbooks for a long long time. I just dont have the energy to do it.Thank you for your cooperation.
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The more I believe in Angels the more i see them around me in friends,
family and acquaintances its amaizing how much Goodness
you can see if you only BELIEVE

Welcome to AOE Homespun Country Website
(Angels on Earth)

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This is a family safe site, no
adult content is permited.We have also a kids zone with cyberpets,
a poetry page and many,many surprises... Dont forget to visit
"Gingerbread mania" and "Send a Guardian Angel" If you
have any suggestion please feel free to email me at:
LizaCardona@mailandnews.com or icq me at 8875082.

God blees you all, Liza

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What are Angels

An angel is a pure spirit created by God.
The Old Testament theology included the
belief in angels: the name applied to certain
spiritual beings or intelligences of heavenly
residence, employed by God as the ministers
of His will. Our Lord often spoke of angels;
in the New Testament they are numerous and
seven orders are mentioned: Angels, Powers,
Principalities, Dominions (ations), Thrones
and Archangels the Old Testament specifically
mentions two others Seraph (im) and Cherub(im).

Both the New Testament and Old Testament
refer also to the fallen angels. The
Temptation of Adam and Eve presupposes the
existence of bad spirits or demons who were
cast into hell from which they have no hope
of redemption.

Angels are purely spiritual or bodiless
persons (Mt 11:30), some of whom behold the
face of God and thus are in bliss (Mt 18:10).
These spiritual beings comprise the celestial
court and are called angels (from the Greek
for "messenger") because, according to the
Bible, they carry out missions at God's
command. In order to complete these missions,
they can at times assume bodily form.
According to the Bible, their missions are
sometimes of great importance - eg, the
Annunciation (Lk 1:26; 2:9-14).

Like us , the angels are the objects of
God's grace and love. But because, unlike us
they are non-bodily creatures, their response
to God's love did not require time and
reflection to grow and mature. As soon as
they were created and received grace, they
had the opportunity to respond to God's love
and thus be welcomed into bliss. While many
did so, some did not.

Angels on Earth recommend the following books !!

cover cover
Angels Around the World Angels over Their Shoulders : Children's...

Be an Angel : Heavenly Hints for Angelic... Angel Therapy : Healing Messages for...

cover cover
Angels to Watch over Me : What Are... The Angelspeake Book of Prayer and healing

The Guardian

No matter what you do,
I am watching over you.
Watching from a star.
A world where angels are.
So look up to the sky,
When you're barely getting by,
And I will carry you,
And all your problems too.
The world will be a better place,
So put a smile on your face.
For I will always watch over you.
In every way and everywhere,
I will always be there.

Love Mom ...(breast cancer victim)

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among
women of all ages. It is the leading cause of
death, from all causes, of women between the
ages of 35 and 54. 80% of women diagnosed with
breast cancer have NO known risk factors. 5-
10% have a family history of breast cancer.
Only 10% have some risk factor.Until we know
more about preventing breast cancer,detection
of breast cancer at an early stage provides a
greater chance of survival and more treatment
options. When the disease is confined to the
breast, the 5-year survival rate is over 95%.

Buy this book online today !!!

cover cover cover

The Breast Cancer Survival Manual : A... Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet : The...

Click Here or Graphics Credits and Copyrights :O)

Bring it to life with Oska DeskMate. Oska is
an interactive character that lives and plays
on your Windows desktop.


The practice of forgiveness is our most
important contribution to the healing of the
world. * Marianne Williamson

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New!!! AOE Recipes and Tips for Easy Living

The Little Things in Life

Too often we don't realize
What we have until it's gone
Too often we wait to late to say
"I'm sorry, I was wrong"
Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
We hold dearest to our hearts
And we allow stupid things
To tear our lives apart
Far too many times we let
Unimportant things get in our mind
And by then it's usually too late
To see what made us blind
So be sure that you let people know
How much they mean to you
Take the time to say the words
Before your time is through
Be sure that you appreciate
Everything you've got
And be thankful for the little things
In life that mean a lot

- Regina Riggs

Read our members favorite recipes , cleanning tips or
their favorites words to live by ...
Come and join us now.

Click here to visit AOE Members Favorite Page

"Thank You for Being a Special Part of My
Life This Christmas"

Y ou know when someone special
touches your life...
They always know just the right
thing to say or do;
They can make you feel better
just by being near;
They listen with an open heart
and understand.
They laugh with you when you're happy;
They share your tears when you're sad;
They are there beside you
whenever you feel alone;
They extend their hand when
You need support;
They are proud of all that
you accomplish;
They love you just because you're you.
You know when someone special
touches your life...
And my life was touched
the day that I met you.

Merry Christmas

and Best Wishes
for the New Year

-Poem by Geri Danks

I LOVE YOU Baby, this poem is dedicated to you,

the man that melts my heart..Love, Liza..

The true "Art of Loving" involves not just
the feeling of love, romantic and sexual
feelings, but also what I would call a mental
attitude of love. This means first off a
commitment to be unconditionally loving at
all times with your partner, even if you
don't feel like it. You may feel angry, and
feel like emotionally attacking your partner
however, in the true "Art of Loving" this is
not something you give into, for from a
Spiritual perspective this would be a total
indulgence in your negative ego. My Beloved
Readers, we begin to see now for the first
time some of the initial differences between
personality level love, and true Soul and
Spiritual love.

"The Art of Loving" from a Spiritual
perspective is always unconditionally loving
and never conditionally loving. It is never
attacking or judgmental. It only shares
loving observations, Spiritual discernments
and preferences. The Spiritual Art of Loving
always forgives even if your own negative ego
doesn't feel like it. Spiritual love always
communicates in a calm, rational,
unconditionally loving manner, and does not argue or
engage in ego battles. Spiritual love is
tolerant, patient, and always a love finder
not a fault finder. One of the keys to "The
Art of Loving" is having an attitude of love,
not just feelings of love. Over the long haul
of a long term relationship it is very
unlikely that any relationship would last
without both partners developing "The Art of
Loving" in their mental bodies as well as
their emotional bodies.

Dr. Stone (Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor)

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"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings havetrouble remembering how to fly." -

"Fail not to offer hospitality to strangers,
for thereby some have entertained Angels, unaware."
Hebrews 13:2

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AOE webring created July 27 1999

I wont add graphics logos due to the amount of graphics in this website. Please visit the proper page for artist credit and recognition. Graphics on this webpage were made by:

Melanie's Homespun Graphics
Graphic Garden Sharon's Land of Hearts Hobo's Country Graphics Becki's Garden Touch of Country Grandma George's Country Graphics Susie's Graphics Creations by Janice Homespun Graphics Country Graphics by Camille Original Clipart by Lisa Cindy's Country Escape Linda's Originals Originals by Sheryl Lena's Graphics Countryside Heaven Graphics Cupboard North Creation Michelle's Country Clipart Snoville Renee's Graphics Cute Colours Wild Heart Creations Country Collections Backgrounds, Etc.