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"Life's Roller Coaster "


THE WORD:  "For his anger endures but a moment; in his favour is life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalms 30:5


Ever experienced the thrill or fear of a roller coaster ride at your favorite amusement park?  While waiting patiently in a long line you finally reach the front of the line.  

Once in the car and throughout the entire ride you were terrified, excited at the same time.  As it approached the first hill, the laughter and signs of fear became a loud scream of terror.  

The ride was torture but as soon as it ended, you were back to normal.  Thinking "WOW...WHEW... .  OMG... What a ride!


Most things in life are very similar to the ups and downs of a  roller coaster ride.  No matter how bad things are, they come to an end and things get back to normal.  GOD never tests us beyond our level of endurance.  He is faithful to see us through hardships and to bless us richly when our trial is over.  The night times of our life may seem dismal and black, but there is always a glorious morning on the horizon.  


When times seem exceptionally difficult, Lord, please help me to remember that this ride will end.  Help me to focus my thoughts on the end of the ride when things will be back to normal.  Humble my heart Lord, and help me remember that you own everything and that no trial lasts forever.  Help me see the trials in life as just small storms that bring some rain for me to eventually grow from.  Also remind me of  the promises of good things to come because you love me.    

In Jesus Name...... AMEN

Greetings Visitor....These Wize Thoughts are designed as "inspirational thoughts". We all need place to find peace in our lifetime and my hope is you find peace here.  Psalms 33:4 says "A person's words are measured by the quality of his or her character.  If your friends trust what you say it's because they trust you.  If you trust GOD is is because you trust him to be the GOD he claims to be.  If you doubt his words, you doubt the integrity of GOD himself.  If you believe GOD is truly GOD, then believe what he says!""Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with us everywhere we go". Joshua 1:9



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