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March 13, 2002 - 9:30 a.m. - Board meeting at the home of Betty Chowning. Laverne Anderson is co-hostess.

March 20, 2002 - 9:30 a.m. - General meeting at the Albuquerque Garden Center.
Program: The trip to the Recycling Center has been cancelled. Instead, we will watch an hour long video, Obsession with Orchids
Presenter: None

Grow and Tell: Phyllis Scott
Design of the Month: Ellen Reed
Hostesses: June Wood, Dorothy Weatherly, and Charlotte Cross

Also in March...
March 8, 9, and 10 are the dates for the Symposium 2002 for NGC, Inc. Judges and/or other interested parties. Betty Chowning is Chairman, June Wood is Co-Chairman, and Peggy Atencio is Registrar.
Monday, March 11, 2002 is the date for the NMGC, Inc. District I Meeting at the Albuquerque Garden Center
Design Study Units: Beginning March 14 through April 25, we are once again sponsoring a series of seven classes on floral arranging. The classes will be each Thursday at 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. If you are interested in registering for either the morning or afternoon classes call Betty at 298-7764.

March Board Meeting

Betty Chowning (left) and LaVerne Anderson (right) were the meeting hostesses.

March General Meeting

Meeting hostesses were (left to right) Charlotte Cross, Dorothy Weatherly, and June Wood.

Ellen Reed is shown with her very nice ikebana "Design of the Month."

Doris Eng is shown as she talks about and shows her beautiful orchids.

Mary Ann Moreno is also shown with her lovely orchids.

Phyllis Scott is shown with her "Grow and Tell" project (grass in three stages).

June Wood is shown under the 25-year old pear tree she and her son
planted when the Garden Center was new.

Betty Chowning is shown greeating her students in the Design Study Units morning class.

Another picture of Betty--this one is of her demonstrating a floral design.