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April 10, 2002 - 9:30 a.m. - Board meeting at the home of Ellen Reed. Jane Caudill is co-hostess.

April 17, 2002 - 9:30 a.m. - General meeting, Installation of Officers, and Potluck Luncheon at the home of Sharon Hudspeth.
Hostesses: Hospitality Committee

Also in April...
April 5 and 6 is NMGC, Inc. Spring Convention in Clovis, New Mexico.
The Design Study Units are still in progress every Thursday at 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the Garden Center until April 25.

NMGC, Inc. Spring Convention in Clovis, New Mexico Photos

Twelve members attended the convention. Shown left to right, back row:
Shirley Tetreault, Charlotte Williams, Gerry Alls, June Wood, Joan Daut, and
LaVerne Anderson. Middle row: Dru Hager, Peggy Atencio, Betty Chowning,
and Nita Knauf. Front row: Jennifer Moreno and Mary Ann Moreno.

April Board Meeting

Jane Caudill (left) and Ellen Reed (right) were the meeting hostesses.

March General Meeting

Meeting hostesses were (left to right) Marilyn Wilson, Ruth Dixon, LaVerne Anderson,
and Sharon Hudspeth.

LaVerne and Charlotte Anderson at Sharon's home.

Left to right: Doris Eng, Jane Caudill, Roberta Roberton, Margaret Moeding,
and Edna Hickam

Elsie Kear, Pat Scharrer, Betty Chowning, Doris, Joan Daut, Bob Scharrer

Left to right: Shirley Tetreault, Ruth, Eleanor DeBoer, and Bob

Evelyn Owens, Charlotte Williams, District I Director Ruth McDaniel, and Missy

Dody Wolter, Dru Hager, Donna Price, and Gerry Alls

Gerry, Alma Maxwell, and Ruth Malone.

Officers just after being installed by Ruth McDaniel, District I
Director. Left to right: Ruth, Peggy Atencio, Shirley, Marilyn Wilson,
Jane, and Mary Ann Moreno.

Another pictures of the new officers. Left to right: Marilyn (Recording
Secretary), Shirley (Treasurer), Peggy (Corresponding Secretary), Jane
(Vice President), and Mary Ann (President).