Let the Truth Sing Divine

Peering Deep into a Mirror Untrue
the clock ticks cause time waits for no man, woman, or band...our space has blurred into the infinite, moments frozen for the utter posterity, to disenchant, to revere...to the open air we raise our hands and praise all who have come before us, and bow our heads to all that will follow...we love you all, you can never truly know how much, at least not in this lifetime...pause and take your eyes forward, stop seeing what you wish to see and for a moment see what is...the cities collapse, the kids shout more, more, more, a culture candied and wasted, the music is out of tune...who are you and where do you fit in?...what if I was to say you don't, and you never have and never will...if you are reading this I am in some sense preaching to the converted, but that really doesn't change much at all...we are forever outcasts, and our code and course is secret but always true...hey how about you??...and now for the good news...we are blessed to be alive, we are blessed to have survived...life IS good, for even in the greatest of challenges lie brilliant sunshine, the people we lose never really leave, the moments forgotten stored into that high definition brain to be replayed ceaselessly and at will...the point in amongst all this verbage is that nothing is lost...it is...it is as simple as that...rock on!

This Echo Rings Forever On
rat tat tat, ka boom, boom...did somebody hear something? thanks to all for memories to last lifetimes...you have stained our souls with rock and iodine...we are not weary so much as resigned to fate's sealed kiss...we love you, never forget... this tour was a blast, a real humdinger...you had to be there and if you were we hope it moved you an inch...until we meet again in some other country we wave hello and goodbye... it sure rains a lot wherever we seem to go...coming next, part 3 of glass and his synthetic army...peer hard children because the mystery is unraveling more quickly than I thought it could...so if it is the end of the usa...so be it... if it isn't, well there are plenty of surprizes ahead so look out and wash your feet, and your mouths are as filthy as mine...

Copyright Smashingpumpkins.com (2000)

On Your Knees
Peace Out