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Yay! I remembered the password. If you are a regular at my site, you have probably noticed that I have not updated this in AGES. Since the time I last updated this...which was quite a while ago, I have changed a lot and I have become a lot better with HTML. I have proved that on my new website. Feel free to click here It is a lot better than this one. I actually update it every day, and I have my journal on there.

Some of you have probably noticed that it says "who do I love? my matt" well that's old news. Matt and I broke up after 5 months...a long, bazaar, twisted 5 months, and I am going out with the ever-so-adorable Joshua. All of this is covered on my new website.

...people have been "squished."

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Shrinking Violet
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Urban Legends
The College Life
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Highway To Hell
My Political Views
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A Few Hello's
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This page was last updated on November 16, 2000.