Ragefighter's Stories

Welcome to my story page
Here, you'll see the true misery of a good mind gone bad, lost to the dark side of the force, lost to the dreaded world of......FANFIC!!! (cue scary music)

Okay, so it's hopefully not so bad as that, but, if you ask my parents, it's close. But hey, since when do I listen to them?!

Also, I promise to get the links at the bottoms of the pages fixed ASAP, but, for the moment, they still link to my old AOL page, just use the back key on the browser, K?

First off, my Buffy Stories. The Angel/Buffy stories are older, before I recognized the immense wonderfulness in the entire Willow/Angel concept.

Poor Willow, always ignored. Her feelings on the subject.

Willow's not as ignored as she feels, or thinks.

Cruel Summer
Slayerettes are split up for the summer, and little Willow's left alone.

Princes of the Universe
This is why I shouldn't be allowed to watch Buffy and Highlander at the same time

The Last Vampire
Welcome to sappy Buffy/Angel fic. What happens when there's only one vampire left?

Melting the Ice
This one's so sappy I'm almost ashamed to admit it's mine.

Now, for what I consider my best work, my story for La Femme Nikita. I am Operative Elysium, and this is my story.
The Lady of Shallott

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Email: tannith@aol.com