My Homepage


A big huge thank you goes out to Peri for making this banner for me.

September 1, 1999 - Please note: due to me, Rika, archivist not-so-extraordinaire, actually attending college this year (hoorah!) I shall no longer have time to update the archives. What's here will remain, hopefully you will still come and enjoy. Thanks for saying you liked it!
You have now entered what could be considered one of the most frightening places in the entire universe - my webpage. Here you can witness the result of way too much TV watching on a teenage brain. Watch out for flying stakes!
You may know me as Rika, Ragefighter, Rage, Tannith, or by any of the other myriad names people love to call me. Oh, just so you know, I look at names the same way the geisha do - a different name for each aspect, I am NOT schizophrenic, or are we? Self? Okay, enough random silliness, let's get onto the organized spontanaety, what do you say?

My name is Pipsqueak
Vampire Pet
I was adopted at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Vampire Animals

Isn't he cute?

Visit the Announcements page to stay up-to-date with my crazy life

Updated 7/23/99

Well, I got bored one day and had some Willow pictures and some fun software, here's what happened....

Willow Pictures

Oh goody! Now for the real reason you visit my page - the fanfic. There are two pages to find fic,

My Stories


It's my happy little Willow-related fic archive. I've gotten a bunch now, and I'm working on getting permission for more (or if you'd like to submit them to me, I suggest you should.
Updated 7/23/98

Or, perhaps, you would care to see the pix that my friend Ari got when David Boreanaz visited Dallas. They're here:
Ari's Pix

Hey all! I've compiled a list of my favorite sites to visit. Yippee, and stuff.

My Favorite Links

Updated 6/12/99

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