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Queensland Master Hairdressers' Industrial Union of Employers

QMH is a registered industrial union of employers representing Men's Hairdressing wherever it is performed in Queensland. It is a professional body and membership is restricted to qualified and full-time practising Men's Hairdressers who are also salon owners.

QMH represents its members in the Industrial Court on all matters pertaining to the Hairdressers'Award and its provisions, wages, conditions, etc. QMH also advises on vocational education and training, workplace health and safety, and all related issues.

Once a year the Queensland Master Hairdressers' conduct the Queensland Men's Hairstyling Championships. The competitions are primarily for Men's Hairdressers and their apprentices, but they are open to all hairdressers, both Men's and Ladies' who wish to participate.

The Queensland Master Hairdressers' also conduct workshops and seminars for members who wish to enhance their professional skills and knowledge. QMH also has a committee which is made up of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, secretary, trustees and four committee members. These committee members are continually finding new ways to enhance Men's Hairdressing in Queensland.

If you have any enquiries please feel free to contact the President:

Mr Sean Dwane

P.O.Box 85


QLD 4034

Phone/fax (07) 32657714 during business hours.
