Welcome to my Nargothrond logs site. Fairfax keeps up a site that was much prettier than this, but she's been having some connection troubles. Hers is still the official site, but because I live online, I've decided to start up a temporary site for things that ought to be updated often -- logs and player pages. Faxxie's site can be found HERE. Go there for information on MUSHing, Beleriand, and Nargothrond as a whole.

--What This Site Has--

  1. The Players in Nargothrond, as well as information on the Admins.
  2. Logs in abundance.
  3. Art done by yours truly, and I'll eventually link up stuff done by other folks.
  4. Nargothrond has an e-mail list which we use to discuss upcoming events, TP ideas, and other things touching the culture, both IC and OOC. If you wish to subscribe, simply fill out the form below.

    Subscribe to Nargothrond
    Powered by groups.yahoo.com

    If you nargos log something and want it put up, send it to Nargothrondhrim@hotmail.com If you know my other email address, I check that one more often. I just like to keep that spam-free, so didn't put it up on the site.