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Alan Einig's Homepage

Alan Einig's Homepage

Things about Me (Alan Einig)

I have kept Budgerigars since 1962 starting with a colourful collection of birds housed in my back Yard. On getting married in 1964 the birds were moved into a new 8 x 6 wooden shed. I was told then that it would never be big enough, it wasn’t. The next purchase was 14 x 8 with 24 breeding cages & two indoor flights. A second shed was added with a further 20 breeding cages, in 1991 these two sheds were replaced by a brick aviary, with 44 breeding cages and two internal flights, one attached to an outside flight.
In 1974 I took up my first administrative position as secretary of West Derby B.S., which became Merseyside B.S. when it amalgamated with Liverpool B.S. I was elected to the committee of L.C.N.W.B.S. in 1977, and was appointed General Secretary/Treasurer in July 1977. I was honoured by the members who elected me as President in my 25th Year of membership of this the No. 1 area society.
I have held a number of positions on L.C.N.W.B.S. apart from Gen. Sec. I have been Assistant Show Manager, Research Sub-Committee Chairman (with Dr Baker), News Report Editor twice, Subscription Secretary and Vice-Chairman. I also served on the B.S. General Council for 3 Years as area delegate. I have now been on the committee over 20 Years, and am now a Vice President and Treasurer.
I have bred most varieties of budgerigars over the years, reaching a peak of having in excess of 300 Birds at one time. The highest number of the different colours I have bred in one year is 53.
I have always tried to encourage beginners in this wonderful hobby, and if you have any queries I would be willing to offer answers. However, having known Dr John Baker since 1985, I will not attempt to diagnose illness in budgerigars. This is something you need to take up with a vet or with Dr Baker via the Budgerigar Society Research Program.

Alans Search Page

Merseyside B.S.
Warrington B.S.
South West Lancs B.S.
L.C.N.W.B.S. Rare & Specialist Group
The Budgerigar Society
The Budgerigar F1 Stud Web Page
RDCBS Home Page
PetNet - Budgerigar Page
Brevard Zoo (Australia)
The Home Page of Dolores Noonan
The Home Page of Ian Fielding
The Home Page of Gary Armstrong
Bird Craft. Bird Craft
Bird Cage Manufacturing Company.
Avicultural Chat. -Quite a useful American Bird Chat Area
Blue Chip Budgerigar Society (USA)
American Budgerigar Society
Lithgow Canary & Cage Bird Society (Australia)
Hamilton & District Budgerigar Cage Bird Society Inc.
Area Societies

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